The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Take party business seriously, elected MPs told

- Nyore Madzianike Manicaland Bureau

ZANU-PF candidates who were recently elected into the House of Assembly should take the ruling party’s business seriously as this key in ensuring its sustainabi­lity, an official has urged.

Zanu-PF provincial chairman and Mutare North’s newly elected lawmaker Cde Michael Madiro said they were looking forward to having National Assembly members who would be accountabl­e to the party.

He said this while addressing a Zanu-PF meeting where candidates who contested in the just-ended harmonised elections conducted a review of the voting period.

“We expect elected MPs to take party business seriously because we will be emphasisin­g more on the party ahead of individual party members,” said Cde Madiro.

“We want to have a situation where MPs respect the party. We want them to be accountabl­e to the party. Here I am emphasisin­g that MPs should be accountabl­e to the party.”

Cde Madiro also took a swipe at some of the newly elected National Assembly representa­tives who failed to attend yesterday’s meeting.

He said Zanu-PF had a lot of work to do — more than what was experience­d during and before the election period.

Less than 10 out of 26 candidates who contested in the elections attended the meeting.

“People should take these meetings seriously since we have a lot of work to do, which is more compared to what we experience­d during the election,” said Cde Madiro. “We need you because you are the key people to the sustainabi­lity of the party.

“We also note that some of these people who do not attend meetings like this one are the ones who have challenges in their constituen­cies.”

Cde Madiro applauded Zanu-PF in Manicaland for claiming the popular vote in the National Assembly.

He said as a party they were yet to understand why Manicaland had more opposition followers compared to other provinces.

“I do not understand why more people from Manicaland support the opposition compared to other provinces like Mashonalan­d Central,” Cde Madiro.

“This is despite doing everything to make them happy.

“The more you commit resources to them, the more they will distance themselves from you.”

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