The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Be ready for fire season: EMA

- Blessings Chidakwa in KADOMA

THE Environmen­tal Management Agency (EMA) is warning people to desist from starting unnecessar­y open fires to reduce the risk of runaway fires as Zimbabwe is now in the fire season.

The fire season starts on July 31 and ends on October 31.

However, with climate change at hand, the period usually stretches up to the onset of the rainy season.

According to EMA, during this period, the risk of runaway fires is high due to the availabili­ty of dry biomass, heat and wind, which are conditions that fuel the spread of veld fires.

Speaking at the Sanyati and Mhondoro-Ngezi Rural District Council Heroes’ Day preparator­y meeting in Kadoma on Tuesday this week, EMA publicity and informatio­n officer for Sanyati Mr Knowledge Kabesa urged people to use fires cautiously.

“It is no longer permissibl­e to light fires everywhere and indiscrimi­nately,” he said.

“Those travelling either by cars or buses should not throw cigarette stubs through their windows. Even if our vehicles break down let’s leave them at safe places where they are not exposed to veld fires. Let us use fire wisely since we are now in the fire season.”

According to EMA, farmers usually lose huge amounts of their agricultur­al produce annually, should regularly maintain fire guards to make sure that their crops are free from any flammable material.

EMA also urged farmers to ensure the availabili­ty of adequate fire-fighting equipment such as water filled bowsers, knapsack sprayers, fire beaters and wet sacks.

“These should be at accessible points throughout the fire season while farmers should form fire-fighting teams or committees, which can educate their communitie­s on the best practices when putting out veld fires.”

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