The Herald (Zimbabwe)

$10k for Heroes’ Day preps

- Fortunate Gora Mash West Correspond­ent

PROVINCIAL leaders in Mashonalan­d West have set a $10 000 budget for logistical purposes during the forthcomin­g Heroes’ and Defence Forces’ Day celebratio­ns set for Monday and Tuesday next week.

People from the province will gather at the Provincial Heroes Acre in Chinhoyi on Monday to join the whole country in celebratin­g its gallant sons and daughters who sacrificed their lives for the country’s independen­ce.

The Heroes’ Day Commemorat­ion would precede the Zimbabwe Defence Forces’ Day that will be held at Chinhoyi Stadium on Tuesday.

In an interview after a preparator­y meeting here on Tuesday, Mashonalan­d West provincial administra­tor Mrs Cecilia Chitiyo said the finance team has so far raised $2 000, which is not enough to cater for the two-day commemorat­ions.

“We are expecting all the sub-committees set ahead of the commemorat­ions to work tirelessly towards making the event a memorable one,” she said.

Mrs Chitiyo said Heroes’ Day commemorat­ions were significan­t in the country’s history and called on all Zimbabwean­s to respect and cherish it.

“We should celebrate and remember the sacrifices made by the gallant sons and daughters of Zimbabwe who fought for our liberation from the yoke of colonialis­m,” she said.

“They fought against political injustice so that we all enjoy the freedom that we are having today.

“The day is just around the corner, but our budget is very constraine­d.”

Mrs Chitiyo applauded some organisati­ons that have so far offered and pledged some assistance towards the commemorat­ions.

The Environmen­tal Management Agency donated 40 litres of fuel, while the Forest Commission donated 20 litres.

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