The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Star injured:

- Grace Chingoma Senior Sports Reporter

ZIMBABWE’S preparatio­ns for their upcoming African Cup of Nations clash against Congo continues to be stalked by injuries, with the Warriors being forced to adjust their squad almost on a daily basis with the latest setback being the withdrawal of Czech-based defender Costa Nhamoinesu.

The Warriors will fly out to Brazzavill­e for the September 9 clash which marks the resumption of their 2019 Nations Cup qualificat­ion bid.

Nhamoinesu, however, became the latest casualty to a list that also includes midfielder Ovidy Karuru and Marvellous Nakamba who have already been sidelined by injuries. There are also some genuine fears now that in-form striker Nyasha Mushekwi’s much-anticipate­d return to the national team could also be scuppered by a complex medical condition he needs to deal with.

Warriors team manager Wellington Mpandare revealed last night that they had since replaced Sparta Prague defender Nhamoinesu with Bloemfonte­in Celtic’s Ronald Pfumbidzai.

Mpandare also announced the recalls of the Golden Arrows pair of Knox Mutizwa and combative midfielder Danny Phiri.

The Warriors manager said his constant checks on the players whom coach Sunday Chidzambwa wants, had shown that there could be some chopping and changing as they have had to grapple with injuries being picked by some of them while on their various club duties.

One such injury is the latest knock reportedly suffered by Nhamoinesu while turning out for his club in the Czech Republic last Sunday in which he lasted 80 minutes before being substitute­d. Mpandare said Nhamoinesu, whose Warriors career has largely been plagued by injuries had “suffered a partial thigh muscle rupture last Sunday’’.

It also emerged that the medical crew at Nhamoinesu’s club have advised on a two-week rest before further tests can be conducted.

Mpandare, who spoke to Nhamoinesu on Tuesday night said the defender was disappoint­ed to miss the crucial second AFCON qualifier.

“We wish him a speedy recovery and hopefully when he goes back to tests after two weeks his rehabilita­tion will start and hopefully he will be back fully fit for the back to back matches against Democratic Republic of Congo in October.

“Ronald had also been initially left out because he was battling a foot injury but we have since establishe­d with both the player and his club that he is now fully recovered and we have called him up in place of Costa.

“We are making direct replacemen­ts and since we have lost two midfielder­s (Nakamba and Karuru) we have called up Liberty Chakoroma and Deco (Phiri),’’ Mpandare said.

Coach Sunday Chidzambwa who is no taking chances in his bid to ensure the Warriors secure at least a point on the road in this campaign said there was very little he could do when confronted by injuries to players he would have earmarked for national duty.

“There is nothing we can do but we are calling equally good players to replace the injured ones.

Costa plays left back at his team and centre-back when he is with the national team so he is coming to replace Costa who is injured. “If you are naming a squad, you expect those things to happen and should have a plan B but losing the two midfielder­s it was sort of a double blow because they play more or less the same,” said Chidzambwa. The coach added that he is still hopeful that the British born players included in the provisiona­l squad will make it so that the team doesn’t lose more players they have in their plans.

Mpandare is still running around to try and secure on time, passports for defenders Tendai Darikwa of Nottingham Forest, Bradford City’s Adam Chicksen as well as

SC Bonner forward

Kelvin Lunga. But the Warriors could also be without Mushekwi for the trip to Brazzavill­e.

“I have been talking to Nyasha and he has IDS and he should undergo endoscopy in South Africa. “He will talk to a doctor to seek advice on all that and we sought to be proactive and bring in Knox as cover,’’ Mpandare said.

The Warriors are expected to arrive by September 3 so that the coach can have a few days of training with them before they leave for Congo.

“The bulk of the players will fly in on 3 September. Knowledge (Musona) has a game on the 1st September and then flies here the following day.

“The South African clubs will finish their matches on 30, 31 August but Orlando Pirates have another match so Kuda (Mahachi) and Marshal (Munetsi) will come on the 3rd. We are working on the bookings so that by the 3rd we should have the bulk of the team. “We are also finalising on our travelling itinerary to Brazzavill­e. We are not leaving anything to chance or last minute rush,” he said.

“Games are underway at various clubs, so injuries are likely to happen and we should even expect more but we had anticipate­d that by naming an enlarged squad so at the end of the day we will be forced to make a few changes,” said Mpandare.

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