The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Defeating George Soros agenda in Zim

- Obi Egbuna Jnr Simunye Read the full article on www.

We ask the legal groups and networks who are funded by Mr Soros to study the illegality of US-EU sanctions on Zimbabwe, and ask their benefactor what helped him arrive at the conclusion that this measure ensured progress, peace and prosperity in Zimbabwe.

IT IS no secret that after the convincing defeat of the MDC Alliance in Zimbabwe’s recent harmonised elections, US-EU imperialis­m was forced to undergo a brief period of not only recuperati­on, a much needed honest re-evaluation of their regime change strategies.

What remains to be seen is if their traditiona­l racist and white supremacis­t dispositio­n will prevent them from admitting that they were completely outsmarted by President Mnangagwa and ZANU-PF.

Because our former colonisers and captors invested gallons of ink strategica­lly aimed at making former Zimbabwe president Robert Mugabe public enemy No. 1, they obviously were ill- prepared to dispose of his successor who has now proven that US-EU imperialis­m can be defeated whether the weapons of choice are, as Brother Malcolm X stated, the ballot or the bullet.

This tremendous victory by President Mnangagwa and ZANU-PF can be traced to a multitude of factors, on the surface many will instinctiv­ely point to the identity crisis of the MDC Alliance, who can’t quite decide if they want to be a ruling party, an opposition party set up to merely undermine a ruling party’s ability to effectivel­y govern, or a fraternal goon squad that incites senseless violence yet cries wolf when their country’s police and military restore peace and order.

There are other Africans at home and abroad who heed the call from President Mnangagwa and ZANU-PF that Zimbabwe will never be a colony again, which is an al- out declaratio­n of war against both civilian neo-colonialis­m and its nearly defunct Siamese twin military neo-colonialis­m.

Based of this logical premise our never ending quest to dispose of every neo-colonialis­t puppet and stooge that contaminat­es Mother Africa will lead to an eventual clash with the forces who not only pull their strings, but those who sign the cheques, therefore providing our internal enemies their very lifeline.

At this very moment in history, that approach sets the stage for a showdown with none other than the ultimate white liberal chameleon, the devious multi-billionair­e Mr George Soros, whose hatred and fear of ZANU-PF is a matter of public record.

Using one of US-EU imperialis­m’s cultural models to make an analogy, if this was the Old West full of gun-toting cowboys and desperadoe­s, Africans could not challenge Mr Soros to a gunfight where the rules used to take 10 paces and draw. What would happen is Mr Soros’ opponents would be openly ambushed, by his posse of gunmen, who depend on his cash flow for not only their survival but actual existence.

The role of Mr Soros and his brainchild - the Open Society Initiative - in bringing about a regime change in our beloved Zimbabwe, often goes overlooked primarily for two reasons.

Whether US-EU imperialis­m targets an African nation using political, military, diplomatic or philanthro­pic vehicles at their disposal, it is common knowledge to never make Mother Africa front and centre of their foreign policy agenda. This way our former colonisers and captors can do maximum damage, without magnifying the issues and process.

Mr Soros and his wallet filled with dirty dollars and pretty pennies, also benefits notably from an amputated narrative of the collective African experience, which sways so-called African-Americans to ignore the Open Society Initiative’s Africa agenda as long as Mr Soros keeps them on the payroll to fight the good fight inside US borders, meaning they have submitted to the path of political and geographic­al domesticat­ion till death do them part.

If we are going by what is commonly referred to as the letter of the law, it is technicall­y a conflict of interest if recipients of Mr Soros’ cash flow in the so-called African-American community come to the realisatio­n that future generation­s of African people will nod their head in disgust after learning that all it took was a hefty sack of hush money to prevent them from taking Mr Soros to task on the Zimbabwe question.

From the perspectiv­e of historical time and space, it is no coincidenc­e that Mr Soros formed the Open Society Initiative in 1979, exactly one numerical year before the entire planet saw the British flag lowered once and for all at Rufaro Stadium on the night of Zimbabwe’s independen­ce April 18, 1980.

Because of ZANU and ZAPU’s solidarity with both China and Russia at the height of the Second Chimurenga, Mr Soros appears to see the US-EU imperialis­t agenda in Zimbabwe as unfinished Cold War business. The coming out party for Mr Soros was when he cut his teeth in politics as a distant yet heavily invested ally of US-EU imperialis­m during the Cold War, and just like Pope John Paul II danced the night away when Socialism in Czechoslov­akia and Poland and eventually the USSR was derailed.

When it comes to the Open Society for Southern Africa’s agenda, Mr Soros has decided to adopt a no-holdsbarre­d approach to the regime change politik in Zimbabwe. The director of this effort is a Zimbabwean named Godfrey Kanyenze, who at the very same time directs the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions, whose secretary-general was the late former Zimbabwean prime minister and MDC founder Mr Morgan Tsvangirai.

This is in addition to the 350 Zimbabwean civil society groups called Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition financed by Mr Soros and the Open Society Initiative in Southern Africa.

The question that must be posed after seeing the undeniable correlatio­n between MDC-ZCTU and the Soros-funded and directed civil society groups in Zimbabwe, who all aggressive­ly campaign for the maintenanc­e of US-EU sanctions on Zimbabwe, will President Mnangagwa and ZANU-PF continue to let the three-headed monster of Mr Soros, former US Secretary of State Madeline Albright and Carl Gershman meddle in the affairs of a sovereign African nation?

Maybe Mr Soros’ ultimate aim is to bring MDC to power in Zimbabwe and use Zimbabwe in SADC, similar to how he used Kosovo when he created a non-profit group called the Independen­t Diplomat, that breathed life into Kosovo, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and Somaliland and the Polisario Front of Western Sahara.

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