The Herald (Zimbabwe)

7 killed in bus accident

- Victor Maphosa Mash East Correspond­ent

SEVEN people were killed, while eight others were seriously injured, when two buses owned by Jarax Bus Company sideswiped at the 98km peg along Harare-Masvingo Road.

The accident occurred in the early hours of yesterday near Pambi River in Chivhu.

National police spokespers­on Senior Assistant Commission­er Charity Charamba confirmed the incident in a statement.

“Circumstan­ces are that two buses from Jarax Bus Company were travelling along the same road, but in opposite directions,” she said.

“The one from Harare had 57 passengers on board while the other from Masvingo had eleven.

“On approachin­g the 98km peg, the driver of the bus from Masvingo encroached into the lane of the oncoming bus and the two buses side-swiped,” she said.

She said both buses veered of the road, resulting in the death of seven people.

“The bus from Masvingo veered of the road, overturned before it landed on its right side. The one from Harare also veered off the road to the left, overturned and landed on its wheels and as a result seven people died and their bodies were taken to Chivhu General Hospital Mortuary,” Snr Asst Comm Charamba said.

She said the injured were taken for treatment at Chivhu General Hospital.

She urged drivers to be cautious when driving during the night to avoid accidents.

“We urge drivers to be observant and avoid straddling the centre of the road when going in the opposite direction.

“We also urge them to avoid driving during the night when most accidents occur,” she said.

She said the name of the deceased will be released once their next of kin have been advised.

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