The Herald (Zimbabwe)

The Herald Social Media Feedback

- Readers are invited to send comments and feedback through any of the above platforms. Since The Herald is published in English, we would prefer our readers to write in English — Editor.


Response to “All set for Concourt applicatio­n hearing” Let peace, joy and happiness prevail after the verdict. No to violence or intimidati­on. — @fadzaihwed­za. *** Response to “$10m loan facility for tertiary students” Educating our children is critical for the growth of our economy. Without it there won’t be any country to talk about. —@ Innocent. *** Response to “War vets slam US sanctions” Cde Matemadand­a is spot on. The sanctions are not justified. Biti and Chamisa are traitors on the sanctions issue. — @max.

The Herald — Zimbabwe

Response to “War vets

slam US sanctions” It is a waste of time trying to engage the US. SADC must develop teeth and act in unison like the EU. Instead of making calls for the removal of sanctions on Zimbabwe, they should tell them; “sanction one member and you sanction the whole group”! That will impact on their influence in the region. — Lawrence Mukanya.

*** Response to “Strip Mugabe of airport honour, say war veterans”

No, we can’t rewrite history. Mugabe did well in his time as a revolution­ary. He may have stumbled, but his track record speaks out loud. No one can erase that. We cannot premise national decisions based on personal hatreds. It does not work that way. — Joseph Mukai.

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Teenage Hadebe and Marshall Munetsi are not playing for some time for their respective clubs, so why should they be picked for national team when we need seasoned campaigner­s? Is it about names or it is about form. Can Mhofu solve this puzzle please. — Felix.

*** Response to “We won’t lose

sleep over US embargo” USA wants to bully us into submitting to their demands of making sure that the MDC is placed at the helm of Zimbabwean leadership. It is imposing illegal sanctions upon us to ensure that the masses suffer and vote the MDC into power.

The MDC will then be viewed as the messiah of Zimbabwe. It should be known to the USA that its dreams of seeing an MDC-led Zimbabwe will never come to fruition.

We should exploit more of our natural resources, utilise our human capital more effectivel­y and develop our infrastruc­ture and technologi­cal environmen­t. — Bodo.

Response to “All set for Concourt applicatio­n hearing” ED is the duly elected President of Zimbabwe. The MDC is just delaying the inaugurati­on of our President in the hope that they can be co-opted into some form of a Government of National Unity. — Bodo. *** Responses to “$10m loan facility for tertiary students” I am thankful to the President and his administra­tion on how hard they are working to ensure we have a better Zimbabwe. Education is the foundation for a prosperous economy. There will be light at the end of the tunnel. — Tinei Ganyani.

*** Good move. Please also provide a breakdown of how many students this loan will assist and how much it costs to take one student through tertiary education. — Gary WekuZviyam­be.

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