The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Annual Zanu-PF indaba set for Gwanda

- Nqobile Tshili Bulawayo Bureau

ZANU-PF will in December hold its annual conference in Matabelela­nd South, Gwanda, the party’s secretary for Administra­tion Dr Obert Mpofu has said.

This will be the first time for the ruling party to hold its annual conference under the leadership of First Secretary and President Mnangagwa.

In an interview, Dr Mpofu said the party was seized with the conference preparatio­ns.

“Right now we are preparing for the annual conference which is going to be held in Gwanda. And the preparatio­ns have started in earnest and the media will be kept informed of the developmen­ts as they unfold,” he said.

The party was last year expected to hold the conference in Gwanda, but after Central Committee members recalled former President and First Secretary Mr Robert Mugabe as the Zanu-PF leader, the ruling party was forced to hold a Special Congress.

The Special Congress was held in Harare and party members endorsed President Mnangagwa as the party’s First Secretary and President.

The Congress allowed for President Mnangagwa to appoint new Politburo members who replaced those who had been fired from the party.

The appointed Politburo members were given a five-year term.

Dr Mpofu said since President Mnangagwa took over Zanu-PF’s leadership last year, the party has achieved stability contributi­ng to its resounding victory in the July harmonised elections.

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