The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Keep learning, growing in the word

- Pastor Chris Oyakhilome; Rhapsody of Realities

KNOWING the Word for yourself is so important, you must keep learning and growing in grace. There are some Christians who assume they already know enough of the Word, they think they know everything in the Scriptures, just because they’ve been Christians for several years.

Being a Christian all your life doesn’t necessaril­y equate to spiritual growth; it takes studying and acting on the Word to grow spirituall­y. The result or outcome of your life must be consistent with the divine provisions of the Gospel; otherwise, something is wrong.

Those who haven’t imbibed the Word, whose spirits are deficient of the Word, chicken out in the day of adversity. When they face challenges, they respond in fear and anxiety, a proof that the Word was really not inside them.

But when the Word of God is in you, nothing shakes you. You’re victorious, irrespecti­ve of the circumstan­ces around you. You’ve come to know that, come what may, you’re more than a conqueror; you’ve overcome every trouble, crisis, adversity and adversary.

Keep making rich deposits of the Word in your spirit; abide in knowledge, the knowledge of the Word. Let this be your priority. Colossians 3:16 says, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly . . .” Diligently study the Word. The more you do, the more the Lord manifests Himself to you in increasing glory, you discover who Christ is, His character and nature, and who you are in Him.

You have the ability and choice to determine the life you want to live; choose the life of abundant grace and peace! The kind of life in which you’re triumphant every day and in every place, without struggle; you’re never disadvanta­ged; this is the life Christ has given us through the Gospel.

The Word is able to build you up and deliver to you, your inheritanc­e in Christ (Acts 20:32). Hallelujah!

 ??  ?? Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord, (2 Peter 1:2).
Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord, (2 Peter 1:2).

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