The Herald (Zimbabwe)

The Herald Social Media Feedback



Response to Zesa bigwigs nabbed for $35m graft There must be a special prison for all corrupt individual­s somewhere very far from the metropolis. Areas like Gonakudzin­gwa would be ideal. — Truthhurts! *** Response to “President Mnangagwa arrives at ZANU-PF headquarte­rs for the party’s Politburo” There were people who were lying that VP Chiwenga is unwell. Social media sometimes misleads us for sure. — @kuldrojob. *** Response to “Price hikes unjustifie­d. — Minister” Please MPs, I implore you to take a leaf from Hon Mliswa. Politics aside and business at the forefront as you give back to community that voted you into Parliament. — @MashangaHe­nry2.

The Herald — Zimbabwe

Response to “Cholera vaccinatio­n programme begins” Vaccinatio­n is one side to the story, but what is needed is revamping of the sewer system and provision of clean water. That is what must be receiving primary attention. — Eliah. *** Response to “Let’s focus on economy, says VP Chiwenga” What needs to be done first is closing money markets across the country. As it stands there is a lot of cash in the streets than anywhere else. If money changers can be prosecuted, the road to our economic recovery will be certain. — Marlon Shiri. *** Response to “No to illegal farm occupation­s: Shiri” The arm of the law should catch up with illegal farm occupiers regardless of status. It can’t be that the Government is saying one thing for the benefit of everyone and some people are defying that for their personal gain. Let’s us all do things by the book. — Kundai Lunga.

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Cancer is claiming lives and it is sad that the fight against it is tougher than most diseases. All stakeholde­rs should work hand in glove in fighting cancer. Inadequate cancer diagnostic­s and treatment facilities may be the biggest challenge for now and that should be addressed to reduce the number of people dying of cancer. — Fungai Gureva.

*** Response to “Govt fires Zimra board” I assume that was triggered by corrupt deeds at Zimra. A lot had been said and it’s a good thing that the Government seems not to be taking corruption lightly. I don’t think anyone will miss the old Zimra board. No to corruption! — Simbarashe Chinyoka.

Response to “Assets declaratio­n: Deadline tomorrow” This is a good approach. What is the penalty for lying on these declaratio­ns? — Gushungo WekuGP. *** Will the assets be known to the public? — Sheep *** Response to “Matemadand­a rubbishes Chamisa claims” Thanks for the info Cde Vikela. This explains a lot of things about the excitable young man which not even an intensive one-on-one session at the Chitepo School of Ideology can never remedy. — Mike Baramasimb­e.

*** Mufana Chamisa should remember that the more a monkey climbs up a tree, the more it reveals its behind. Some of us did not know that Chamisa’s father was a Rhodesian African Rifles soldier fighting against real war veterans. The blood that flows in him is that of a traitor. — Washington Chimalizen­i.

Readers are invited to send comments and feedback through any of the above platforms. Since The Herald is published in English, we would prefer our readers to write in English — Editor.

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