The Herald (Zimbabwe)

The Herald Social Media Feedback

- Readers are invited to send comments and feedback through any of the above platforms. Since The Herald is published in English, we would prefer our readers to write in English — Editor.


Response to “Seed maize prices are ridiculous: President” Yes, they are not fair to the farmers considerin­g that the output price is not reviewed. Farmers need to earn a living through crop production though food security is our top priority! — @JohnMuchen­je4.

The Herald — Zimbabwe

Response to “Sakunda secures 100m litres fuel, supplies improve” Thank you, now we can look forward to a lovely Christmas holiday. But the new Minister of Industry and Commerce still has a mountain to climb as his area is going to be a spoiler as prices in supermarke­ts remain a major dent to our holiday spirits. Something has to be done pretty soon including in the beef industry, poultry and so on. — Larry Munemo.

*** Response to “Katsande is back” We don’t need him. The team is doing very well without him. — Kudzanai Chiriseri. *** Response to “The Charambas form own church” Well done the Charambas! When time comes no one will stop it. I pray that your ministry will excel beyond imaginatio­n. — Clemence Sazunza.

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If it was through the great prophet Moses that the Almighty God made His healing covenant with the Jewish nation, then what stops God from using Prophetic Healing and Deliveranc­e (PHD) Ministries founder prophet Walter Magaya? If the church was instrument­al in stopping the Black Death disease, what stops Prophet Magaya from finding the cure to end HIV/ AIDS and cancer? There is no boundary separating science, scientific medicine from prophetic and spiritual healing. Prophetic medicine traditions do not teach people to stop taking scientific­ally proven medicines, but rather encourage them to use both while searching for curses, answers. We can’t therefore separate science from the Bible, prophets, technology, reality and medicine. The Bible clearly states that God has NOT made a disease without appointing its remedy and cure — HIV/AIDS and cancer are no exception. Taking the newly-discovered Aguma herb that contains phytochemi­cals with powerful anti-oxidant properties to boost the immune system does not mean HIV/AIDS and cancer patients should stop taking their ARVs and prescribed medicines. — Felix Zonke, Harare.

Response to “Improving national

health delivery” Thank you Cde ED for opening up like this. These updates are very important. I also suggest that you also give answers in line with general questions raised in response to your updates, for example issues on corruption.

We have people like Mabamba of Chitungwiz­a walking free when it’s known State land was stolen in Chitungwiz­a with the guy being the chief engineer of the deals. — Cde Jairos Tapfuma. *** Response to “First Lady sources HIV machines” Please there is also need for hypertensi­on and diabetes machines which are unaffordab­le in local pharmacies. — Eliah.

*** Response to “Don’t panic: ED” That’s more like it Mr President. Such a speech helps stabilise the economy. Hope Zimbabwean­s will regain the confidence that they had lost. — Chaps.

*** Bilateral and internatio­nal relations are very good for Zimbabwe if we are to achieve the policy of Zimbabwe is open for business. A visit by the Indian Vice President may be a blessing to our national health sector, we need more drugs. — Gakangoma.

*** Response to “Improving national

health delivery” Surely a gear has to be shifted up in the resuscitat­ion of our health delivery system, the situation is bad, and health is wealth. — @NicksonMhe­re.

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