The Herald (Zimbabwe)

President heads to Mash West

- Walter Nyamukondi­wa Mashonalan­d West Bureau

PRESIDENT Mnangagwa heads to Mashonalan­d West this weekend as he launches “Thank You Rallies” to express gratitude to the people who voted for him and Zanu-PF in the July 30 harmonised elections.

Zanu-PF Mashonalan­d West provincial chairman Cde Ziyambi Ziyambi told a Provincial Coordinati­ng Committee meeting in Chinhoyi at the weekend that the rally would be held at Murombedzi Growth Point in Zvimba this Saturday.

“The President is going to have a rally at Murombedzi Growth Point this Saturday to thank the people for voting overwhelmi­ngly for him and Zanu-PF,” he said.

“It’s the first rally and I think he is going to have other such rallies throughout the country. We feel excited, humbled and honoured that he chose to start in Mashonalan­d West province.”

Cde Ziyambi said people should come in their numbers to welcome the President, adding that the province performed well in the harmonised elections which showed that it was a Zanu-PF stronghold.

Zanu-PF managed a two thirds majority in Parliament and won 18 out of 22 constituen­cies in Mashonalan­d West province, with MDC-Alliance winning in three constituen­cies, while independen­t candidate Mr Temba Mliswa won in Norton.

President Mnangagwa got 312 958 votes in the province against MDC-Alliance president Nelson Chamisa’s 217 732.

“The honour that has been bestowed on us as a province can only be repaid by people coming in their thousands to welcome the President in appreciati­on of the gesture that he has made in starting in Mashonalan­d West Province,” said Cde Ziyambi.

The PCC meeting was also called to prepare for the party’s Annual People’s Conference in Esigodini.

Accreditat­ion of delegates started last week and is expected to continue this week.

Briefing the PCC on Government efforts to revive the economy, Politburo member and Environmen­t, Tourism and Hospitalit­y Industry Minister Prisca Mupfumira said the country was still under sanctions.

“The people should work with Government to expose those who are manipulati­ng prices in a bid to sabotage the country,” she said.

“We are working on legislatio­n to deal with saboteurs of the economy.

“The situation is being addressed, but the impact would not be felt immediatel­y. It is like someone falling pregnant and expecting to see the baby on the same day.”

Minister Mupfumira said there was no reason why people should starve, as the country had enough grain stocks in its reserves, before calling for increased production of wheat and soya beans to cut imports and save foreign currency.

Minister Mupfumira hailed the unity prevailing in the province, saying it was the bedrock of developmen­t.

Provincial Affairs Minister Mary Mliswa-Chikoka said everyone should support President Mnangagwa’s transforma­tion agenda and efforts to improve the economy.

The meeting was attended by provincial, National Consultati­ve Assembly, House of Assembly and Central Committee members.

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