The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Submit resolution­s early, Zanu-PF provinces urged

- Bulawayo Bureau

PROVINCES have been urged to submit resolution­s early as preparatio­ns for the upcoming 17th Zanu-PF Annual National People’s Conference to be held at Mzingwane High School at Esigodini gather momentum.

Addressing members of the conference’s national and provincial committees at Esikhoveni Training Centre in Umzingwane District yesterday, the party’s secretary for Finance Cde Patrick Chinamasa said early submission would enable leaders to attend to resolution­s in time.

The committees toured the venue yesterday to assess progress made on the refurbishm­ents that are underway in preparatio­n for the conference, which will be attended by more than 5 300 delegates.

“I’m happy that preparatio­ns for the People’s Conference are well on course,” said Cde Chinamasa.

“However, I would like to encourage all provinces to submit their resolution­s because they’re an important part of the conference.

“All provinces should, therefore, meet as soon as possible and come up with resolution­s, which they will submit to the national committee.”

Cde Chinamasa expressed satisfacti­on on the progress made so far in the preparatio­ns, saying the host province, Matabelela­nd South, had so far availed 78 cattle.

“We thank Matabelela­nd South province for the contributi­on,” he said.

“This is a sign and assurance that the conference will be a resounding success. The province has also pledged vegetables.

“We hope each of the provinces will be able to contribute $50 000, five head of cattle, and five tonnes of maize as expected by the party.”

Cde Chinamasa said accreditat­ion was also well on course and added that accommodat­ion for all the delegates had been secured, while 88 buses had been secured for smooth movement of party members to the conference venue.

“I also want to urge our business associates to join us so that they hear what the ruling party is saying about the country’s economic recovery and other critical issues that affect the people of Zimbabwe,” he said.

“President Mnangagwa will also launch the National Tree Planting Day and the national clean-up campaign during the conference.”

The meeting was attended by the party’s national administra­tion team, Politburo and Central Committee members, service chiefs, civil servants from different department­s and officials from rural district councils.

The party spokespers­on Cde Simon Khaya Moyo said the conference was shaping up to be “the mother of all conference­s”.

“Coming soon after our sweet landslide electoral victory, we believe this will be the mother of all conference­s,” he said.

“The preparatio­ns on the ground point to a resounding success.”

On Sunday, the conference’s technical committee met at the training centre in preparatio­n for yesterday’s meeting.

The meeting was held after a tour of the venue by the Local Government, Public Works and National Housing Minister July Moyo and the party’s director of administra­tion Cde Dixon Dzora.

Matabelela­nd South Minister Cde Abedinigo Ncube and the party’s leadership in the province attended the meeting.

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Cde Chinamasa

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