The Herald (Zimbabwe)

First lady mourns accident victims

- Lovemore Kadzura Rusape Correspond­ent

FIRST Lady Auxillia Mnangagwa was deeply disturbed by the Rusape bus disaster which occurred early this month and urged survivors and those who lost their relatives to be strong in facing the trying times.

This was said by Minister of State for Manicaland Provincial Affairs Dr Ellen Gwaradzimb­a during a memorial service held at the scene of the horrific accident at the weekend, where she announced that the First Lady had donated 30 tonnes of rice to the survivors and bereaved families.

“The First Lady Amai Mnangagwa was so disturbed to learn about this horrific accident and as a caring mother she has donated 30 tonnes of rice to the survivors of the accident and to the bereaved families,” she said.

“Each person will receive 100kgs of rice and they will collect the rice in Harare at the Ministry of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing head office, the provincial administra­tor’s office in Mutare and district administra­tor’s office in Rusape.

“As Government, we are worried with the lack of care for human life. What we witnessed here and other places is a reflection of what we have become as Zimbabwean­s, a people who are uncaring, who do not attach any value to life, but to money.

“Here, the driver overtook at a prohibited place just to meet targets. On my way here I witnessed several incidents of reckless driving. Government does not take dangerous driving lightly and the Ministry of Transport is going to review how drivers’ licenses are being acquired.

“We have computeris­ed the acquisitio­n of provisiona­l driver’s licence to minimise corruption. There is going to be an age limit to all public transport drivers who will have undergone rigorous training. The driving course is too short, yet it involves the lives of people on the roads.

“We are here today to console each other so that we move on with our lives. We have to accept it no matter how painful it is. We cannot challenge God’s ways. Let us find rest and comfort in the Lord and keep on praying.”

A representa­tive of churches that organised the memorial service Pastor Andrew Taonekwa said they were praying and fasting so that road carnages were reduced. “We are here to pray to the Lord so that road carnages are reduced on our roads,” he said. “Enough is enough. We want to declare our roads accident free zones. When lives are lost in such a manner the church has to intervene.”

The memorial service was also attended by Cdes Patrick Chinamasa, Mike Madiro, Joseph Made, Makoni Central MP Mr David Tekeshe, Chiefs Makoni, Chipunza and Chikore, government officials, survivors, bereaved families and several pastors.

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