The Herald (Zimbabwe)

The Herald Social Media Feedback

- Readers are invited to send comments and feedback through any of the above platforms. Since The Herald is published in English, we would prefer our readers to write in English — Editor.


Response to “4 dead in Chegutu accident” At first I used to think that the state of roads in Zimbabwe was the major cause of road traffic accidents, but no! Our drivers are reckless, how can one try to overtake on a bridge that is very narrow. How can someone who read the Highway Code be reckless like that? If you drive along major highways in the country you see drivers being reckless like overtaking on a continuous white line. The mushikashi­ka drivers who drive cars such as Toyota Wishes are the worst of them all. They will be overloaded and the driver will not be seated properly yet they speed up on the highways so that they can do as many trips as they can. People should stop blaming the state of roads and be responsibl­e drivers. In my own opinion the police should be back on the roads. The party must end for reckless drivers. — @Linda Zvakada.

The Herald — Zimbabwe

Response to “Cop loses AK47 while drinking with hookers” That’s what happens if your love for the bottle gets to a certain level. What a harsh way for this cop to learn. Never allow yourself to be a slave to alcohol. Know when to drink and when the time comes to drink, know when to stop. — Bird Eye Chilli. *** Response to “The return of Ian Gorowa” Oh no! DeMbare has no coach and he could have been a sweet choice to revive the waning fortunes of the once popular club which has miraculous­ly managed to hold on to the 7 million ever hungry supporters. — Eliah.

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Response to “150 000 cars

face de-registrati­on” I note that you are urging us to comply with road rules, but we are also asking you to implore Harare City Council to mark these roads. Unmarked roads are difficult to navigate. Mayor Gomba please up your game. I was in Bulawayo last week and noted that roads were well marked. Please do the same in Harare and other places. To Commission­er-General Matanga, I am humbly requesting that you train traffic police specifical­ly for that role and ensure that they are qualified drivers and understand the dynamics of driving especially in our environmen­t where road infrastruc­ture is being worked on after years of neglect. We need a unified approach to our challenges. — Progressiv­e Zimbabwean.

*** Response to “Stakeholde­rs upbeat,

demand implementa­tion” Are we not better off with most of the money going into industry? We could just sacrifice other department­s for a year and see what comes out of the effort. What we must tell our industry is that they must export so we earn forex and not just focus on the domestic market. We would then support these when the economy turns the corner after say two years of belt tightening. — Tinotenda Nyika.

Response to “Superstar Tuku recovering at home” I wish the superstar a quick recovery. — Nobleman Runyanga. ***

ZANU-PF retains Mutoko North seat ZANU-PF remains popular and the people’s choice in matters electoral in Zimbabwe. Those who think and believe otherwise are too misguided politicall­y speaking. We will be celebratin­g this victory braaing huku-rutombo in the constituen­cy. As the nation continues to get political nonsense from MDC-Aliance ordained losers, God is on the side of our ZANU-PF leadership, leading our great nation towards economic recovery under the popular new dispensati­on patriotic trajectory. Editor, ZANU-PF is a true Patriotic Front for patriotic Zimbabwean­s. Political quislings, in the name of MDC-Alliance, who support sanctions that make the majority suffer, will be condemned forever as a spineless opposition lot for decades to come in this country. Amen. — Prof Muzvinavhu.

*** ZANU-PF, the people’s party with sound policies. Now it is time to work together despite political difference­s so that we can build the Zimbabwe we want. — Rudo Saungweme.

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