The Herald (Zimbabwe)


- Nyore Madzianike Manicaland Bureau

TWO robbers have been jailed for life for killing a diamond dealer at his house in Chiadzwa, last year.

Mutare High Court judge, Justice Hlekani Mwayera, sentenced Marcos Madhume and Thomas Mike Makoni Nyakujara to life in prison after they killed Blessing Chikwangur­a of Kusena Village under Chief Marange.

Madhume and Nyakujara denied the murder charges when they initially appeared in court claiming that they were under the influence of alcohol when they committed the offence.

But Justice Mwayera, in her judgment, said the two decided to drink beer before committing the crime to get “Dutch courage” hence they were fully in control of their mental faculties.

She said considerin­g the manner in which the duo committed the offence and their criminal record, they did not deserve a place in the society.

“The accused, in an unrelentin­g manner ruthlessly and cruelly fired an avalanche of bullets into the deceased even as he tried to make good his escape as evidenced by injuries to his back,” said justice Mwayera when sentencing the pair.

“Further, even after the fatal blow, the accused were undeterred as they ransacked the deceased’s house and stole a Samsung phone and tablet. Such callous and unrelentin­g behaviour ought to be visited with correspond­ing punishment to deter not only accused persons, but likeminded people. The gravity of the offence, the manner in which it was perpetrate­d by the duo who showed determinat­ion in achieving the unlawful enterprise call for severe punishment. It shows the accused are a nuisance to society and this calls for their removal from the society, she said.

Justice Mwayera said Madhume and Nyakujara, who are childhood friends, showed no remorse and exhibited a carefree attitude during their trial.

“This is a matter where the death penalty would have been warranted as they stand convicted of murder in aggravator­y circumstan­ces, that is murder during the course of an armed robbery,” said justice Mwayera.

Circumstan­ces leading to the pair’s arrest were that sometime early last year, they hatched a plan to commit a spate of robberies.

They stole a Star pistol from one Mohammed in Marondera and travelled to Marange.

On February 2, 2017, Madhume and Nyakudyara went to Chikwangur­a’s homestead where he was running a shebeen and dealing in diamonds and started drinking beer during the day.

At around midnight, they approached Chikwangur­a and started demanding diamonds and cash.

Chikwangur­a resisted and armed himself with a machete.

Madhume and Nyakujara then forced their way into Chikwangur­a’s house and shot him before ransacking it.

They went away with $3 000 and cellphones. The two were later arrested and taken to court.

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