The Herald (Zimbabwe)

School embarks on agricultur­al projects

- Emmah Chinyamuta­ngira Manicaland Correspond­ent

CHITAKATIR­A Primary School in Manicaland Province has embarked on agricultur­al projects to ensure food security in the community and at household level.

The headmaster Mr Mabasa Muteedzi said the school had engaged on piggery, rabbit-rearing and vegetable production.

The projects sought to benefit over 2 000 pupils through the school feeding programme and helping the community to ensure food security.

“Our agricultur­e projects are progressin­g well, we have a piggery and rabbit project that is running, we also grow maize and vegetables.

“When we sell our products like pork and vegetables to the community, we use the money to meet the school’s expenses. We also feed the kids who are learning here under the school feeding programme.

“We are hoping that next year we will expand our projects and engage in poultry as well as fisheries,” said Mr Muteedzi.

He said the school had in the past faced challenges of water supply, but a community organisati­on donated a water tank.

“With additional water supply, we are now able to expand our projects. We are also trying to establish an orchard in our garden. We have over 1 500 paw-paw seedlings that we hope to plant,” he said.

Mr Muteedzi added that the school was a pioneer in terms of the schools’ feeding programme which had been very successful.

“Chitakatir­a area is known for its good climatic conditions which have seen the area lead in the production of agricultur­e. Communitie­s that have been engaged in agricultur­e projects have improved their yields and ensured food security at household level,” said Mr Muteedzi.

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