The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Zanu-PF’s commitment to devolution commendabl­e


OVER the past couple of months, there has been a growth in the discourse around the issue of devolution in Zimbabwe.

Devolution refers to the cascading of powers to lower levels of governance by the central Government and in Zimbabwe a key feature of this is the creation of provincial councils that will become the authority in the running of affairs in the country’s regions.

The concept, which has been a long-standing governance issue, was crystalise­d in the national Constituti­on of 2013.

Devolution is in line with the harmonisat­ion of laws with the Constituti­on — and the country is doing well in fulfilling the letter and spirit of the national charter. It is useful to place the concept into a constituti­onal perspectiv­e.

According to the national charter, devolution is in line with the principles of good governance, which bind the State and all institutio­ns and agencies of Government at every level with devolution and decentrali­sation of government­al power and functions.

The Constituti­on sets out a number of instructiv­e principles guiding the practice of devolution.

The preamble to the section dealing with devolution makes it clear that the aim is the preservati­on of national unity in Zimbabwe and the prevention of all forms of disunity and secessioni­sm; the democratic participat­ion in Government by all citizens and communitie­s of Zimbabwe; and the equitable allocation of national resources and the participat­ion of local communitie­s in the determinat­ion of developmen­t priorities within their areas.

The objectives of the devolution of government­al powers and responsibi­lities to provincial and metropolit­an councils and local authoritie­s are, inter alia, to give powers of local governance to the people and enhance their participat­ion in the exercise of the powers of the State and in making decisions affecting them; to promote democratic, effective, transparen­t, accountabl­e and coherent Government in Zimbabwe as a whole; to preserve and foster the peace, national unity and indivisibi­lity of Zimbabwe; to recognise the right of communitie­s to manage their own affairs and to further their developmen­t; to ensure the equitable sharing of local and national resources; and, lastly, to transfer responsibi­lities and resources from the national Government in order to establish a sound financial base for each provincial and metropolit­an council and local authority.

There are many issues that the Constituti­on outlines in adoption and practise of devolution.

We believe that the concept was enunciated comprehens­ively and would boast as one of the most well-thought-out provisions.

That the ruling Zanu-PF and Government are now actively seeking to fulfil this constituti­onal requiremen­t is a cause for celebratio­n.

Finance Minister Professor Mthuli Ncube, in his 2019 Budget, allocated US$310 million for the exercise, giving each of the 10 national provinces about $31 million.

At the just-ended 17th Zanu-PF National People’s Conference in Esigodini, the ruling party discussed the implementa­tion of the concept, with President Mnangagwa making key pointers on the concept for the benefit of delegates. The concept is developmen­tal and serves the economic and political functions.

In line with his approach of prioritisi­ng the economy, President Mnangagwa emphasised devolution as an economic fundamenta­l and especially pointed out that devolution should not translate to secession.

This idea of devolved power has been held in some quarters that sought to break away from the country and govern themselves as a separate entity from the whole.

Zimbabwe remains a unitary state, and it is what the President has emphasised.

It is a developmen­tal paradigm that should be capitalise­d on using local natural resources.

Zimbabwe should embrace the purest form of devolution as part of the developmen­tal agenda and President Mnangagwa’s Vision 2030.

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