The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Hero’s body expected

- Bulawayo Bureau

THE body of National Hero and former Cabinet Minister, Professor Callistus Dingiswayo Ndlovu is expected in Bulawayo this morning from South Africa.

Prof Ndlovu (83) who was also Zanu-PF’s Bulawayo provincial chairman and Central Committee member, collapsed and died on Wednesday where he was being treated for pancreatic cancer.

He was declared a National Hero for his enormous contributi­ons to the country, before and after independen­ce.

Zanu-PF Bulawayo provincial spokesman Cde Christophe­r Sibanda said the body is expected to land at the Joshua Mqabuko Nkomo Internatio­nal Airport this morning.

“We are expecting the body to land at 10.40am at the airport before it is moved to Doves Funeral Services.

“The body will be welcomed by the Zanu-PF Bulawayo provincial leadership, Central Committee members and Politburo members,” said Cde Sibanda.

He said funeral arrangemen­ts would be announced in due course.

The family has provisiona­lly said Prof Ndlovu would be buried on Saturday although it is subject to approval by the Government.

At the time of his death, Prof Ndlovu was a member of the Zanu-PF Central Committee and Bulawayo provincial chairman.

Prof Ndlovu is survived by wife Angeline, several children and grandchild­ren.

Mourners are gathered at 3 Fletcher Road, Kumalo in Bulawayo.

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