The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Exam cheats given community service sentences

- Leonard Ncube in Victoria Falls

FIVE Form Six pupils at Gebhuza Secondary School in Hwange arrested for sharing a leaked Economics Paper 3 question paper have been each sentenced to 12 months in jail, but will all have to perform 350 hours of community service at the school instead.

Initially, 15 pupils had been arrested and charged with revealing the contents of an examinatio­n material prior to the exam, unlawful access to examinatio­n material and engaging in fraud or dishonest conduct with regards to the exam.

They were all released to appear in court on summons so that they could continue with their examinatio­ns and allow investigat­ions to continue.

Five of them who are all above 18 years: Arthur Delight Chuma (20) of Number 2 Village, Nkosilomus­a Sibanda (21), Albertina Mbebe (18), Tamika Dube (19) all of Ingagula and Keegan Mduduzi Chigubhu (18) of Empumalang­a yesterday appeared in court to answer to a charge of contraveni­ng Section 35 (a) of the Zimbabwe Schools Examinatio­n Council Act pertaining to “unlawful access to examinatio­n material.”

If it is decided to press charges against the other 10, they would have to be treated as juveniles.

Chuma, Sibanda, Mbebe, Dube and Chigubhu pleaded guilty to the charge when they appeared before Hwange magistrate Ms Barbara Phiri.

They were sentenced to 12 months in jail each, but the magistrate suspended the jail term with conditions. Two months were suspended on condition they do not commit an offence of a similar nature within two years while the remaining 10 months were suspended on condition each completes 350 hours of community service at their school.

They told t he court t hat the question paper was posted in two WhatsApp groups which had members from across the country.

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