The Herald (Zimbabwe)

‘Corrupt people should face the gallows’

- Yeukai Tazira Herald Reporter

LEADER of the opposition party, Divine Alliance for Vitalisati­on of Inspired Developmen­t (David), Ms Melbah Dzapasi has said she is lobbying Government to introduce the death sentence for those charged with corruption.

In an interview yesterday, Ms Dzapasi said she appreciate­d Government efforts in tackling corruption, but “there is need to put deterrent sentences to curb the scourge”.

“Yes, efforts are being made, but we feel it’s not enough,” she said.

“If we had it our way as a means of fighting corruption, we would take the radical action of bringing back the death sentence for all those who partake in corruption.”

The call comes after the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC) said 44 serving and former Cabinet ministers, permanent secretarie­s, parastatal bosses and legislator­s were facing “imminent” arrest for corruption.

Ms Dzapasi said corruption weighed down economic growth despite spirited efforts by Government.

“The last Auditor-General’s report on the amounts that have gone missing and unaccounte­d for is just a tip of the iceberg,” she said.

“In my opinion, corruption has become a moral deficiency among Zimbabwean­s as it has now spilled to the private sector and even the Judiciary.

“As Divine Alliance for Vitalisati­on of Inspired Developmen­t, we believe in pro-poor policies which enrich the lives of ordinary Zimbabwean­s.

“What we need is a new breed of public service leaders who are ethical and acknowledg­e the supremacy of the law as the ultimate guide of our nation.”

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