The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Chombo trial hangs in the balance

- Fidelis Munyoro Chief Court Reporter

FORMER Finance Minister Ignatius Chombo’s corruption trial still hangs in the balance as the Supreme Court last Friday deferred ruling on whether he should get a permanent stay of prosecutio­n on the grounds he was illtreated at some stage before his arrest.

Chombo (67) is appealing for a permanent stay of prosecutio­n on the basis of ill-treatment during Operation Restore Legacy in 2017 with his lawyers arguing that the ill-treatment and violation of his constituti­onal rights before his arrest had to be treated as one with his arrest, and the State arguing that there was no connection between that ill-treatment and his subsequent arrest.

His appeal comes after the High Court, early this year threw out his applicatio­n for a permanent stay of prosecutio­n on finding that while he had been ill-treated and his rights violated, this had nothing to do with his subsequent arrest and the charges laid.

The Supreme Court was supposed to deliver its ruling on Friday, but Justice Ben Hlatshwayo, sitting with Justices Chinembiri Bhunu and Tendai Uchena, now has to decide on questions of jurisdicti­on.

Both the defence and prosecutio­n counsel now have to file supplement­ary heads of argument by Friday this week, to deal with that issue.

The matter would be opened on November 26 for oral arguments on the jurisdicti­onal point, before judgment is delivered.

However, during the hearing of the appeal on Thursday last week, the judges were in agreement that the High Court made a correct finding that Chombo had been tortured and his constituti­onal rights were violated, but erred in failing to then issue a declarator­y order confirming the violations.

This was likely to see the matter being referred back to the High Court to deal with the alleged violations of Chombo’s constituti­onal rights.

However, if the court finds that the High Court had no jurisdicti­on to hear Chombo’s applicatio­n, then it is likely to remit it back to the trial magistrate to deal with the question of referral to the Constituti­onal Court on grounds of the constituti­onal issues the former minister raised.

Arguing the matter for Chombo, Professor Lovemore Madhuku submitted that his client was seeking permanent stay of prosecutio­n in view of the torture he suffered at the hands of State agents.

“A permanent stay of prosecutio­n is the appropriat­e relief for the infringeme­nt,” he said.

This submission, however, invited interrogat­ion from the bench, with Justice Hlatshwayo seeking to understand why the relief being sought should be the “best price” when the alleged torture and ill-treatment was not linked to the charges Chombo was facing.

Prof Madhuku said the court should consider the circumstan­ces of Chombo’s case from the time he was arrested and detained, including his treatment during nine days of captivity, as a single transactio­n.

“The violation of the applicant’s rights was at the instance of the State and cannot be separated from the charges,” he said.

“It is fair not to allow the State to get away with this conduct. The whole action should be treated as one transactio­n which cannot be disconnect­ed to the charges.”

Arguing for the Prosecutor-General’s Office Mr Edmore Makoto stuck to his heads of argument he filed with the court.

He said the prosecutio­n was not relying on evidence or confession resulting from Chombo’s alleged ill-treatment and torture.

“In the circumstan­ces, the court a quo (lower court) cannot be faulted for dismissing the applicatio­n,” he argued.

“If there were any violations as alleged by the appellant, his remedies lie elsewhere other than in the permanent stay of prosecutio­n.”

In dismissing Chombo’s applicatio­n, the High Court ruled that his alleged abduction during Operation Restore Legacy in November 2017 was not meant to extract a confession for criminal offences against him.

Following his arrest and his subsequent appearance in court on criminal charges, Chombo petitioned the High Court last year, for an order compelling the prosecutio­n to permanentl­y suspend his prosecutio­n, alleging violation of his constituti­onal rights quarantine­d in the Bill of Rights.

Justice Nicholas Mathonsi, who had since been elevated to the Supreme Court, found no merit in the applicatio­n.

He made a finding that Chombo’s rights were violated considerin­g the manner he was “raided, handcuffed, blindfolde­d and frogmarche­d to a vehicle which took him to an unknown place where he was held captive for almost nine days.

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