The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Cashless society: EcoCash blip a wake-up call


ZI MBABWE, l i ke most nations, is moving more and more towards a cashless society where financial transactio­ns are executed electronic­ally than in physical banknotes and coins.

Gone are the days when cash was a source of pride and identity.

With national emblems, landmarks, tourist attraction­s and the signature of the incumbent Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe ( RBZ) governor carefully captured on it, cash spoke directly to what it meant to be a Zimbabwean.

A cashless society, while without all the intimacy associated with cash, is largely preferred for convenienc­e and reducing crime.

Sweden is among the world leaders in cashless transactio­ns with ATM withdrawal­s falling by more than half, while the amount in circulatio­n has fallen from about US$8,5 billion to US$6,1 billion.

In Great Britain, the number of contactles­s card payments has soared to £ 223 million a day.

Locally, use of plastic money saw transactio­ns in the first quarter of 2019 rise by 45 percent from the last quarter of 2018, according to a National Payment Systems report.

While not needing a wallet has simplified life for Zimbabwean­s, connectivi­ty still remains a major challenge.

A number of banks claiming to have upgraded their systems are struggling to cope with transactio­ns as some of their systems are usually down.

Online banking, for example, has turned out to be a nightmare for depositors with a number of banks.

Ideally, online banking should take away the hassle of having to join long queues while paying bills for electricit­y, council service charges, insurance, school fees, satellite TV and various credit payments.

Carrying wads of cash feels good for a while, but shuttling from banking mall to another when “chopping” cash can be too much work and take too much time from the ever busy modern citizen. However, there is no convenienc­e in a dysfunctio­nal system.

A lot of time and energy is lost while re-trying transactio­ns or complainin­g of failed transactio­ns, more so in Zimbabwe where accessing cash is also an uprising.

Being told that ZIPIT (Zimswitch Instant Payment Interchang­e Technology) is down is now the new normal at supermarke­ts and fuel stations.

If it is not ZIPIT, then it’s EcoCash, Telecash or OneMoney, previously known as One Wallet, which is down.

Th e mobile money platforms probably hurt ordinary people most when they are down as the bulk of the population is in the informal sector.

They also hurt the fiscus as Government has been drawing resources from the 2 percent Intermedia­ted Money Transfer Tax.

The recent challenges faced by EcoCash are a serious wake-up call to both monetary authoritie­s and service providers.

As we reported yesterday, when EcoCash is down, major business losses are recorded since the platform handles 85 percent of Zimbabwe’s transactio­ns and 99 percent of mobile money transfers.

Effectivel­y, when EcoCash is down, the informal sector is down.

Perishable­s have to be destroyed and the transactin­g public is left stranded, without electricit­y, fuel, food and other essentials.

We urge monetary authoritie­s, banks and mobile money service providers to converge and put on their thinking caps.

Confi dence and trust in cashless transactio­ns is fast waning and as they say, “money is about trust”.

We urge the RBZ to step up to the challenges facing the monetary sector and take a leading role in finding lasting solutions to recurrent technical problems.

The decision by the central bank to inject more cash by dispensing new $ 2 and $ 5 Zimbabwe dollar notes as well as $2 denominati­ons of bond coins to address the problem of acute shortage of cash, might have also been fuelled by erratic services on the electronic side.

The RBZ is gradually targeting increasing the amount of cash in circulatio­n to 10 percent of the total money supply, which currently stands at about $19 billion.

Currently, bank customers are allowed to withdraw a maximum of $300 per week, but the amount remains far too little to meet daily requiremen­ts of citizens in an environmen­t where inflation is believed to have exceeded the 175,6 percent rate last reported for June before Treasury suspended publicatio­n of the figures until February next year.

Having more cash could be good as a back-up, at least until current teething problems are addressed once and for all. However, a cashless society is the way to go. Zimbabwe cannot be stuck in the past.

Responsibl­e authoritie­s must act, and act fast.

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