The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Social Media Feedback

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@ HeraldZimb­abwe

Response to “Unlike here, electoral residue did all the

talking in Malawi”

I thought Nelson Chamisa of the MDC- ALLIANCE would be embarrasse­d by the verdict of the Malawi Constituti­onal Court that nullified the presidenti­al election in that country. The logic is that the Malawi opposition brought to the court a very strong case that had undeniable documentar­y proof. Chamisa’s case was weak, so uncoordina­ted and devoid of any proof. It was just noise without substance that the Zimbabwe Constituti­onal Court had no option, but to throw it out. Let us not forget that Chamisa’s case was broadcast live to the world in the spirit of transparen­cy. It was not the duty of the court to prove his case. Chamisa is supposed to be an advocate. Oh My God! And the boy doesn’t know the importance of evidence? The buzz in the Zimbabwe opposition over the Malawi verdict shows lack of self-confidence, poor analysis of situations and cheap politickin­g. Instead of feeling embarrasse­d by their own failure to convince the Constituti­onal Court, they think the Malawi Constituti­onal Court did something different. — Masaisai.

The Herald — Zimbabwe

Response to “First Lady to introduce food support


The First Lady has done so much for the country. For a while now, we have seen her advocating better living conditions for the elderly and under-privileged. She is such a great leader, associatin­g with everyone despite their class and status. Right now, a lot of people in rural areas do not have enough to eat. They are waiting for harvests around April. This move will ensure food sufficienc­y among the population, at the same time providing a balanced diet for citizens. — Carol Tawananyas­ha.

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Response to “Call to build more clinics in B/bridge”

In most rural areas, there are no sufficient clinics where people can get treatment at any time. In most cases, this is the reason why they do not get treatment when they need it. — Max.

Response to “Men must be central in awareness, too” GBV

Gender- based violence has become the bane of our society. At any given time, either of the sex is being brutalised by their intimate partners. We used to know women as the victims of GBV, but nowadays, men are victims too. And the reason they do not report such is because they are afraid society will doubt their masculinit­y. However, it is critical that they seek assistance as soon as possible, as well as consult the police to ensure that this comes to an end. Both partners have to look at the disadvanta­ges of GBV. In most cases, children are exposed and left confused. They are affected psychologi­cally, and do not know what to do. It is important that before marriage, people get rid of toxic partners. Some of the victims knew that their violent relationsh­ips would one day turn tragic, but they kept hoping that things would change. — Chofamba.

Readers are invited to send comments and feedback through any of the above platforms. Since The Herald is published in English, we would prefer our readers to write in English — Editor.

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