The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Utilise public transport: Police

- Herald Reporter

POLICE will continue enforcing lockdown regulation­s during the 14-day extension announced by President Mnangagwa on Sunday, but would like more exempted workers to use public transport to reduce the number of vehicles driving into city centres.

During the first 21-day lockdown, police arrested a total of 9 286 people for breaches of the lockdown.

Bulawayo Province led with 2 064, followed by Manicaland with 1 851, Midlands with 1 258 arrests, Harare with 1 155, Mashonalan­d West with 853, Matabelela­nd South with 732, Matabelela­nd North with 420, Mashonalan­d Central with 323, Mashonalan­d East with 323 and Masvingo with 243 arrests, while 64 were picked by ZRP Support Unit. All offenders paid deposit fines.

National police spokespers­on Assistant Commission­er Paul Nyathi said in an interview on Sunday that the police would increase their visibility to ensure compliance.

Asst Comm Nyathi asked people and organisati­ons classified under essential services not to abuse their exemptions.

He urged organisati­ons to consider using the available public transport.

“We are disturbed by motorists, particular­ly exempted workers, who use private vehicles,” he said. “This makes our cities to be flooded with vehicles. We urge them to use the available public transport.

“We continue to appeal to the public to continue to comply with the directive. As police, we will be out there to enforce it. We will arrest defiant elements.”

Most of the people were arrested for unnecessar­y movement, operating businesses without exemptions, liquor related offences, and organising or attending unsanction­ed public gatherings. Among the notable group of people arrested for unsanction­ed gatherings were members of an apostolic faith sect who were arrested on Sunday in Mbare, Harare, by a joint operation of police and army officers.

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