The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Social Media Feedback

- @ HeraldZimb­abwe

Response to “Recalled senators approach court”

They are approachin­g the same courts that are “captured”. Enough of the @ MDCAllianc­eZW. — @BabaVaTee.

Response to “Covid-19 Update: 203 confirmed cases.”

We need to put a deadline by which all who want to return should have done so otherwise we will be kept busy with these returnees, especially from South Africa and Botswana. — @chinoztong.

Response to “Little Zim among the gods of world politics” Great Zimbabwe. The mere fact that we are mentioned in the world of politics goes to show how much potential we have and what we can achieve. — @zimizhou.

The Herald — Zimbabwe

Response to “We’ve no role in

protests: Minister” US

The Floyd case is one of many cases which have been happening and without publicity in the USA. It has become a culture that has dominated the American streets for all the years since slavery was abolished. For the next few days, we will not be having such cases or we might have a few, but I tell you that after two weeks, the same practice is back again on the American streets. — Kunta Kinte.

Response to “Govt summons envoy over White House US


Cde Editor, US ambassador to Zimbabwe Brian Nichols must be ashamed that his government preaches human rights and imposes ZIDERA on our economy, yet blatant racism and murder in US is not condemned by all Western embassies in Zimbabwe, why, why? Does Nichols feel his brother George was not human to enjoy human rights? Biti, Chamisa and Sikhala must also be ashamed to look at their political father. — Cde Mzvinavhu (Prof).


Thank you Honourable Minister, the global bully United States of America should be ashamed and should be held accountabl­e for trying to shift blame to other countries. US President Donald Trump’s National Security Advisor, Robert O’ Brien’s should know that the US Police brutality and heavy handedness when dealing with protesters in various US cities has nothing to do with #Zimbabwe. — Letty Mabhena.

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We need to stay vigilant, the Covid19 positive cases keep going up. Let us continue to practice social distancing and taking precaution. Those who have nothing to do in town please stay at home. Let us also stop moving around for no particular reason. Let us wash our hands and sanitise at every chance we get. Together we will win this war. — kandemiri.

*** Zimbabwean­s need to understand that the lockdown is for their own good. Going out with employment letters to see friends and family is applying for disaster. Government should introduce digital verificati­on systems for these letters. There is need for police to thoroughly vet those seeking travel notes. — Vinnie.

Readers are invited to send comments and feedback through any of the above platforms. Since The Herald is published in English, we would prefer our readers to write in English — Editor.

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