The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Social Media Feedback

- @ HeraldZimb­abwe — L Makombe. Tirivanhu Kateera.

Response to “MACZ warns of fake Covid-19 drug”

Those who are selling that drug to the people must be dealt with. Chido Matamba.


Let us be cautious of medicines and concoction­s we are taking to treat and prevent Covid-19. A lot of informatio­n has been flying around and with the increased cases of Covid-19, people are desperate to protect themselves. Let us be careful of predators who may want to take advantage and sell substances that put our health at higher risk.



The Herald — Zimbabwe

Responses to “Coup bid in as Trump supporters storm Congress”

Ambassador Brian Nichols, can you give us your comment, sir? Isn’t it time you should come down off your high horse? The US has no moral right to lecture any country about democracy. — Jojo.

Very soon we will hear that it was the Government that organised the mayhem. This is what happened during our last elections, when members of a party stormed the ZEC Command Centre, and members of this party are friends of the USA. Is this what they had been advised to do.

What goes around comes around, and the storming of the Congress meeting also happened here. It is a very bad practice to continue saying that the election was stolen, a useless statement that we continue to get from the likes of Biti and Chamisa. Trump is saying the same despite the election saying otherwise. It is very evil for people to refuse defeat and live in denial. Now it seems that Trump may not retain the Presidency in the USA, when is the US$ 15 billion promised going to come so that we can spruce up the water and road systems in Harare and other cities.

Who now has an egg on his face. The West has always been used as a benchmark of democracy and consistenc­y, but Trump has shown the world that it is not, even his colleagues in Australia, New Zealand and Europe are reprimandi­ng him. Those who were joining Trump in his misdeeds should be ashamed of him.

Even his own vice president is now against him. I await comments from the MDC- A and MDC- T, Hopewell Chin’ono and his colleagues. Where are you Ibbo Mandaza and those who are dragging us back with their useless and statements that the election in which President Mnangagwa won was stolen. Where are you Advocate Thabani Mpofu?

There are similariti­es between what Mr Trump and his supporters tried to do and what Mr Chamisa and supporters tried to do in August 2018. This tells us who Mr Chamisa’s mentor is.

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