The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Let’s be positive, optimistic about country’s future

- Desire Munyanyi

IF there is anything that Covid-19 has taught a majority of us, it is that we must all develop the attitude of gratitude - the ability to stay grateful in each and every situation whether things are going our way or not.

This reminds one of a Bible verse in the book of Philippian­s 4 v 4: Rejoice in the Lord always.

We have seen the unimaginab­le and the unthinkabl­e becoming a reality right in our face, but you and I are still here and going strong.

What more can you ask for?

As humans, there is a weakness in our nature that we must overcome in order for us to be happy, successful and prosperous in our lives. That weakness is complacenc­y. When Covid-19 broke out, we were all scared for our lives. A year later, after having seen the worst unfold and fold before us, we are now beginning to think we are invincible.

Yet we are the same people who around this time last year were busy gulping litres of lemon water, “tichinatir­a” (steam bathing), and taking immune boosters.

Due to complacenc­y, the spirit of complainin­g and ungrateful­ness is beginning to get a grip on our souls.

That attitude of being grateful for just being alive is beginning to fade away.

The ability to be grateful in every moment will help all of us to appreciate life and make the best of it. We must be grateful today for all we have managed to accomplish to date.

Life has a lot to give, but the human eye will remain blind to many of those things if the attitude of gratitude is missing in our life’s equation.

Be grateful for life, good health, your job, your family, friends and a vast array of things that are happening around you.

Your life may not be where you want it to be, but through the attitude of gratitude, you can move your life from where it is to where you want it to be.

People with an attitude of gratitude have a certain level of energy that they exude compared to their ungrateful and negative companions.

Life is a function of energy. The energy you give out is the energy you receive back.

In a nutshell, you reap what you sow. Grateful people are positive and optimistic most of the time. As a result, they find it easier to attract blessings, opportunit­ies and open doors into their lives.

They are usually healthy and happy all the time because they are expecting the best out of their lives — positive vibes only.

This is, however, not the same with people who are ungrateful.

They tend to be always negative and pessimisti­c. Because of that they are always attracting negative results in their lives. Regardless of the good that is happening around them, these people are always seeing the worst in everything. Their attitude in the end traps them into oblivion. Life is beautiful, but as they say, beauty is in the eye of t he beholder. You need to make a conscious choice to see the beauty of life, otherwise you will miss out on a lot of things. This is only possible if you start by changing your attitude towards everything that surrounds you; in other words, change the way you see things.

Make a conscious decision within yourself to see the best out of everything around you, be it your family, friends, leaders, including even yourself.

Good things fill space and time at any point in time, but the fact is, if you are tuned into the wrong frequency, you won’t see or experience any of those things.

That is not how things work.

You cannot be ungrateful, negative and pessimisti­c and expect to live a good life.

There are plenty of opportunit­ies that Zimbabwe has to offer, but as long as we remain negative and pessimisti­c about our country, we are never going to see and experience the good things that this country has to offer.

Have you ever wondered why Nigerians, Chinese, Indians and other foreigners own more successful businesses in Zimbabwe than Zimbabwean­s themselves?

It’s because these people believe in the opportunit­ies this country has to offer.

While we complain about the state of affairs in the country, they are opening more businesses.

Such is the power of the attitude of gratitude towards changing your life, your community and your nation for better or worse.

Citizens who have a hell bent attitude towards their country will destroy it through their thoughts, words and actions, whereas those who believe and love their country will do whatever it takes to develop it and see it prosper.

The United States of America is not a prosperous nation by default. It’s a country whose citizens love their nation with a passion, and as a result work as hard as they can to see it develop and succeed.

Zimbabwean­s are Zimbabwe and not the other way round. The success or failure of this country is in our hands as Zimbabwean­s and not anyone or anything else.

If we are going to build our lives and our beloved Zimbabwe, we need to begin to develop the attitude of gratitude.

We should be positive and optimistic about the future of our lives and our country, and work as hard as we can, so that our nation prospers.

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