The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Villagers, property developer clash over livestock

- Conrad Mupesa

ABOUT 38 families from Stockdale Village in Chegutu Rural District Council’s Ward 21 are up in arms with a local commercial farmer an property developer who has been holding to about 70 goats and 11 cattle belonging to some of the villagers since Saturday.

At least 11 cattle and 28 goats were seized by the developer, Mr

Johannes Makonye (59) of Bedford Estates after they had strayed into his property which he is currently developing to sublet at least 150 by two-hectare plot units some 7km north of the farming town along

Chegutu–Chinhoyi highway.

The families have also accused the Makonye of blocking the main road which the community has used since 2001 to gain access to a local clinic, school and a gathering place where they converge to hold meetings, receive inputs and grains.

They allege that since the blockage, most elderly people who are vulnerable to the Covid-19 virus have failed to go the clinic some five kilometres aways to receive their jabs as they are forced to walk an extra three kilometres.

Speaking at the village Wednesday during a meeting to deliberate on the way forward, Stockdale Village Head, Mr George Murungweni ( 51) accused Makonye of being self-centred and failing to live in harmony with the community.

“We are a community that has contribute­d immensely to the food security of the nation but we are failing to understand why he is failing to accommodat­e us as a community.

“We understand that during this season, families are free to let loose their livestock as there are no crops in the fields but he has tormented us. He impounds and keeps the animals in some of his barns where he doesn’t feed them,” he said.

Ms Ndanatsei Chimhashu who has nine of her cattle in the custody of Makonye alleges that she tried to seek audience with the latter but was futile.

“He told me that he had reported us to the police and we saw it unwise to go to the police station as we didn’t know what he had said there.

“Nine of my cattle are in his custody since Saturday and we are told by some of the workers that they are not being fed,” she said.

Another aggrieved villager, Mr Thomas Tafireyi whose 28 goats were also seized by Makonye some two weeks ago before spending six days and released after the interferen­ce of the police claims to have 23 goats currently being held by the accused.

Ward 21 Councillor, Mr Titus Matenga said there have been no reports of commercial farmers seizing stray livestock belonging to communal farmers in his area except for the Stockdale and Makonye squabble.

However, Makonye who admitted having the animals in his custody, defended himself by saying the villagers were vandalisin­g his perimeter fence which borders his 664-hectare farm and the 38 homesteads.

“They are pulling down the perimeter fence so that they can let their animals graze in my area. This is the third fence I am putting in as they pulled down the last two.

“I purchased this land in 2002 from the previous white owner and the government gave me the node then. We intend to sublet some of the area to at least 155 people. The road that the villagers are claiming to be for the state is in my farm,” he said.

Makonye who refuted allegation­s that he was starving the animals said he would only release them to their owners once they admit of being guilty of letting their livestock into his private property.

Chegutu district developmen­t coordinato­r, Mr Tariro Tomu could not be contacted for comment but a letter dated 28 February 2019 by E Sumowah for the secretary for Ministry of Lands, Agricultur­e, Water, Fisheries, Climate and Rural Resettleme­nt said the Stockdale A1 settlement raises issues of administra­tion and allocation of agricultur­al land and referred the complainan­t ( Makonye) to the Zimbabwe Land Commission to address the matter in terms of Section 297 ( 1) ( d) of the constituti­on to avoid further conflicts.

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