The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Want a bigger pay rise? Get the jab


NEW YORK. – Kevin Kelly is hitting his anti-vax workers where it may hurt them most: their pay cheques.

On September 1, when regular raises go through for the 250 workers at Emerald Packaging Inc.’s plastic bag factory outside San Francisco, those fully vaccinated will get a 3 percent increase, while those who resisted vaccinatio­n will get only half, 1.5 percent.

“With the Delta variant spreading quickly and likely to hit the unvaccinat­ed here, and thus put everyone at risk for sickness, it likely is my last best shot to get people jabbed,” said Kelly, the chief executive of the family-owned manufactur­ing operation.

Kelly plans to tell workers on August 1, to give them time to get vaccinated if they want the larger raise.

A national vaccinatio­n campaign spearheade­d by the Biden administra­tion peaked at 3,3 million doses a day in mid-April and has been limping along at a daily pace of just over 500,000 since the Fourth of July holiday. At the current pace, most models show the country won’t reach the lowest threshold for herd immunity — about 70 percent — until late this year.

Now, with those government efforts having stalled, companies like Kelly’s have taken on the task of cajoling reluctant workers to get the vaccine.

Unlike large swathes of the service sector — which can keep many workers remote in the face of a renewed virus wave — manufactur­ers and many other front-line businesses don’t have that option, so some are getting creative in pushing people to take the vaccine. With order books bulging as the economy continues its recovery and labour supply already thin, many are fearful of losing staff time to the illness.

German carmaker Daimler AG has opened pop-up vaccine clinics at its larger US sites and adjusted work schedules so that employees, and in many cases their dependents, can get shots convenient­ly.

Deere & Co, the Moline, Illinois-based tractor maker, said it has no requiremen­ts that workers get the shots. But employees, as well as suppliers and other visitors to its locations, who are not vaccinated must continue to wear masks.

Forcing action on any medical issue is a delicate dance for employers. Even offering incentives must be done carefully, to avoid running afoul of workplace regulation­s protecting employee rights.

“We not mandating — but we’re strongly encouragin­g” our workers to get the vaccine, said Jay Baker, the chief executive officer of Jamestown Plastics Inc, a 150-employee firm in upstate New York. He also refuses to offer any incentives — like free food or raffles — and worries peer pressure among workers could devolve into “unhealthy” pressure.

Bob Roth, co-owner of Roman Manufactur­ing, a small producer of transforme­rs and glass-moulding equipment in Grand Rapids, Michigan, has offered workers a crisp US$50 bill as a “thank you gift” for getting the shot. The company kept it small and called it a thank you, not a formal incentive, he said, because of the vagaries of federal labour law.

The cash has had limited affect. Only slightly more than half of Roth’s workforce has got the vaccine, and Roth is flummoxed by the attitude of many of his anti-vax workers.

Most of the reasoning he’s heard is “bizarre,” he said, including worries about the vaccines causing sterility or being produced too quickly. “No facts to back any of that crap up,” he said.

Many companies fret that a wave of sickness could make it harder to keep up with already overflowin­g order books. Roth estimates his backlog of business is three times larger than a year ago, as the shutdown delayed work and strong economic growth is now fuelling demand.

At Emerald Packaging, which makes plastic bags used to package fresh produce like pre-cut lettuce, business has boomed during the pandemic and Kelly, the CEO, said the last thing he needs is another wave of workers having to stay away from work because of new infections. – Reuters.

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