The Herald (Zimbabwe)

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@ HeraldZimb­abwe

Responses to “Dr Sibanda mourns Dr Nzuwah” May his dear soul rest in peace. — Mel


What a loss. We shall greatly miss him. — Munya


Responses to “Govt moves to resolve Chinese fi rms dispute with villagers”

Thank you for coming in to fi nd a solution to the dispute. — Takura


The problem with mining is it has a very short life span and totally exhaustive. So communitie­s who are in these areas must make sure they get the maximum benefits from these businesses. — Masaisai

The Herald — Zimbabwe

Responses to “Jacaranda Media Group refutes artistes claims”

We honestly need respectabl­e people to advise these youngsters. It’s a pity we no longer have wise and experience­d elders like Dr Mtukudzi to advise them. The current crop of artistes are greedy and want more for less all the time. They do not believe in hard work. — Masaisai

Responses to “Who is causing parallel market rates to spike”

What is needed is action. We name and shame and leave the shameless people to continue in business. We even pay them to complete the tenders they would have won.

The RBZ Financial I ntelligenc­e Unit must be seen to be working, be proactive and not reactive. We cannot have a scenario of this runaway black market rates which have been accepted by all businesses.

Pharmacies are using the black market rates so are all the small shops. What is the RBZ doing about that, even ZIMRA. I believe we have people who are being paid for that, they must be seen to be doing their job. These black market rates have eroded workers’ salaries.

Why do we allow money changers to do as they like, why are t hey not being arrested just like any other law breakers? Police and other security forces, where are you? — L Makombe

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