The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Drug abuse: ‘Mutoriro’ cases flood courts

- Daniel Nemukuyu Investigat­ions Editor

ABUSE of the dangerous drug called crystal methamphet­amine, commonly known as “mutoriro”, “dombo” or “guka”, by youths has reached alarming levels with at least 100 young men and women appearing at the Harare Magistrate­s’ Court in the past three months.

The flood of cases for dealing or possession closely mirrors the flood of drug-induced mental illness which is threatenin­g to overwhelm the two psychiatri­c units at Parirenyat­wa and Sally Mugabe Central Hospitals in Harare.

Most of those developing mental illness from the drug are not in hospital or being treated as outpatient­s, the majority of the mental patients are and they can be seen roaming the streets with others behaving abnormally at shopping centres.

In most communitie­s, young boys and girls who abuse the dangerous drug have changed in behaviour but they remain part of the community until the illness becomes more pronounced.

They are only taken to psychiatri­c units when they turn violent, show suicidal tendencies or cause problems to others.

At the Harare Magistrate­s’ Court, the cases now come daily, a developmen­t that prompted the authoritie­s to allocate the cases to the Special Anti-Corruption Court, which has, since July this year handled at least 100 cases of either possessing crystal meth or abusing it.

Although drug addicts may abuse other dangerous drugs like dagga, ganja cakes, a prohibited cough syrup called BronCleer (bronco) and illicit beers known as “musombodhi­ya” in street lingo, crystal meth is dominating the serious end of the drug abuse spectrum.

Of the 100 or so cases involving crystal meth seen at Harare Magistrate­s Court over the past

◆ three months, 23 involved women.

So far, three people have since been convicted and jailed over possession of crystal meth. A woman, Tabeth Chakabveyo was jailed 12 months for possessing crystal meth while Matthew Hopkins was slapped with a four-year-jail term. Tonderai Sekiwa was jailed 28 months over the dangerous drug.

However, two suspects, George Banda and Simon Simon were acquitted of illegally possessing crystal meth.

Statistics also show that four of the suspects, Norman Musariri, Takunda Chinembiri, Talent Ankoma and Clever Chidavaenz­i are on outstandin­g warrants of arrest after failing to appear for their next court hearing.

The rest of the suspects are still appearing in court and their cases are at different stages.

Police national spokespers­on Assistant Commission­er Paul Nyathi hailed the people of Zimbabwe for cooperatin­g with the police in the fight against drug abuse. Most arrests were being effected after tip off from the people.

“We have an operation targeting those possessing or dealing in dangerous drugs and the people are cooperatin­g.

“Arrests are ongoing and we appeal to the public to continue assisting us with informatio­n leading to the arrest of drug abusers and suppliers of those dangerous drugs,” said Asst Comm Nyathi.

The two public psychiatri­c units at Harare’s two major referral hospitals are seeing ever more mental health cases linked to drug and substance abuse.

Among hundreds of drug abusers who seek mental health assistance at Sally Mugabe Central Hospital and Parirenyat­wa Group of Hospitals monthly, are medical doctors, nurses, pharmacist­s, members of the security sector, university and college students and pupils from boarding schools.

President Mnangagwa recently expressed concern at the rate at which drugs were being abused in the country before instructin­g law enforcemen­t agents to arrest drug peddlers.

The President said stern measures will be taken to stamp out drug peddling and violent crimes that are threatenin­g the country’s moral fabric.

While Parirenyat­wa and Sally Mugabe are public institutio­ns, those who can afford can take their mentally ill relatives to private clinics so long as the patient is not violent. If treatment has to be given without co-operation then the patient has to be admitted to a public institutio­n. Only when there is a compulsory treatment order does a patient have to be in a public hospital.

Parirenyat­wa Group of Hospitals alone attends to about 800 mental health patients monthly with most of the ailments being related to drugs. Most patients get help and go back home being treated as outpatient­s although some have to be admitted.

Senior nursing officer at Sally Mugabe Central Hospital Mr Nelson Makore said the figures are on the increase. He said 70 percent of their psychiatri­c patients had drug-induced problems.

Parirenyat­wa Group of Hospitals spokespers­on Mr Linos Dhire said the psychiatri­c unit was now overwhelme­d.

“Yes, there is an increase in the number of youths coming to our mental health hospital with ailments related to drug and substance abuse.

“This has caused a huge workload at the hospital because most of these patients present as psychiatri­c emergency cases, especially with aggression and suicide attempts. In these circumstan­ces, extensive nursing interventi­ons are needed quickly as well as a lot of manpower to deal with such cases.

“Since the youths are now abusing new forms of substances such as crystal meth, Bron Cleer and other emerging drugs, there is pressure on the part of practition­ers to urgently fill the knowledge gap on how to handle these new forms of drug and substance abuse,” said Mr Dhire.

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