The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Medical exam for Marry Mubaiwa

- Court Reporter

MARRY MUBAIWA, who is appearing in court on allegation­s of attempting to kill Vice President Constantin­o Chiwenga while he was in hospital in South Africa, is today expected to undergo a medical examinatio­n to ascertain whether she will be able to stand trial.

Mubaiwa is expected to undertake the medical tests at Parirenyat­wa Group of Hospitals in Harare in fulfilment of a court order that compels her to be medically-examined.

Yesterday, her lawyer Ms Beatrice Mtetwa told the court that Mubaiwa will be visiting the country’s largest referral hospital to undertake the medical examinatio­ns in compliance with Harare regional magistrate Mr Noel Mupeiwa’s order. Mubaiwa walked on her own to the courtroom yesterday, with some assistance from her relatives. She had no bandages on her arms, exposing her deep wounds. Mubaiwa used to attend court hearings in a wheelchair.

Harare regional magistrate Mr Stanford Mambanje yesterday ordered Mubaiwa to return to court on October 18 for trial on money laundering charges.

Mubaiwa allegedly externalis­ed US$1 033 000 and laundered US$990 000.

Prosecutin­g, Mr Michael Reza told the court that the State was ready to commence trial in the money laundering case, as they were in possession of the docket.

He then applied for postponeme­nt of the other matter where she is charged with attempted murder to November 1, saying it is when they were expecting to furnish Mubaiwa with a trial date.

“We are now in possession of the docket and we expect to furnish the accused with a trial on November 1,” he said.

Mr Mambanje also ordered Mubaiwa to return to court on November 1 in a case she is facing allegation­s of attempting to kill Vice President Chiwenga.

The State led by Mr Michael Reza said they were expecting to furnish Mubaiwa with a trial date on that matter since the docket was now ready.

Mubaiwa is also facing a separate charge where she is accused of assaulting their family maid.

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