The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Chiefs want title changed to king

- Conrad Mupesa

TRADITIONA­L leaders in Mashonalan­d West want title change, to a more appropriat­e one that suits their royalty status and which can be derived from the pre-colonial indigenous titles, such as Mambo.

They said the title of chief was driven by colonialis­ts after the traditiona­l leadership was stripped of their powers.

Chief Zvimba, born Stanley Mhondoro, recently said the chiefs’ council was in the middle of organising a meeting with President Mnangagwa to present their plea.

He was speaking during an interface between Zimbabwe National Army leaders and the provincial traditiona­l leaders at Inkomo Mechanised Brigade Barracks.

Army Chief of Staff (Quartermas­ter Staff) Major General Hlanganani Dube was the guest of honour at the event.

Said Chief Zvimba: “The title chief is demeaning and doesn’t bring out our true status as the royalty. We are suggesting there be a change of the title Chief to any other name that truly reflects our status.

“The leaders suggested the title ‘Mambo’ a Shona name for king. Traditiona­l leadership is hereditary and a dynasty. We plead with you (Maj Gen Dube) to tell His Excellency, President Mnangagwa that Mashonalan­d West chiefs request for a change of title to a befitting term like King.”

Chief Zvimba said the title Chief was the same as the titles used by top officials in organisati­ons who carry names such as chief engineer, chief operating officer and chief executive officer.

Chief Ngezi, Senator Peter Pasipamire concurred, adding there was also need for communitie­s to be able to differenti­ate a chief from a headman and village head.

The chiefs, who applauded President Mnangagwa for honouring them as the custodians of culture and land through various commitment­s, paid homage to the army for supporting developmen­t in communitie­s through infrastruc­ture constructi­on.

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