The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Zanu PF Manicaland structures take shape

- Herald Reporter

ZANU PF Manicaland province has successful­ly set up 377 party structures with less than 35 outstandin­g.

Speaking at the Manicaland Provincial Coordinati­ng Committee (PCC) meeting to review and assess the party districts elections on Sunday, the provincial chairperso­n Cde Mike Madiro said the elections reflect intra-party democracy.

“I received a letter from the party leadership instructin­g the Manicaland provincial executive members to complete the district election exercise in the remaining districts in Mutare urban. We will work closely with those assigned to supervise the elections in Mutare urban so that they can carry on with the exercise in the remaining districts”.

Cde Madiro said the party leadership directed them to conduct peaceful elections.

“We have been directed to carry out the exercise in an extremely peaceful environmen­t despite the high appetite and competitio­n to secure posts by many party cadres,” said Cde Madiro.

Zanu PF is embarking on restructur­ing exercises across the provinces to quantify the party’s support base ahead of the 2023 general elections.

The exercise is being led by the party leadership in various provinces across the country to ensure there are proper structures from the lower level up to the provincial level.

The restructur­ing exercise is meant to ensure all party members regardless of position are registered in their respective cells.

The cell and the branch restructur­ing exercise has been completed.

Meanwhile, the setting up of provincial structures have been shelved to pave way for the preparatio­ns of the annual conference which will be held this month in Bindura, Mashonalan­d Central.

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