The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Zanu PF readies for by-elections

- Conrad Mupesa and Victor Maphosa

ZANU PF is confident of winning all the 17 wards to be contested in Mashonalan­d West local authority elections, with everyone who participat­ed in the recent primary elections challenged to work hard to ensure the party’s success.

Speaking at Chirorodzi­va Primary School grounds during the launch of the by-election campaign in the province yesterday, guest speaker Cde Omega Hungwe, criticised the opposition-led Chinhoyi Municipal Council for failing to deliver decent services despite collecting revenue from ratepayers and some funds from central Government.

“The opposition-led councils have brought nothing to the residents,” she said. “The roads have deteriorat­ed beyond anyone’s imaginatio­n while they keep hiking rates.

“Urbanites should give the ruling party a chance as it has always brought developmen­t to towns and rural areas since independen­ce. Even the allocation of residentia­l stands has become obvious that only those supporting the opposition got the stands when everyone has to benefit.”

Cde Hungwe said social welfare and service delivery no longer existed, while some opposition-run councils were abusing devolution funds allocated to develop infrastruc­ture.

Urban councillor­s, she said, had devised a strategy to syphon funds from councils through unending workshops and meetings held outside their areas of jurisdicti­on to allow themselves to pocket thousands of dollars in allowances.

Cde Hungwe said Zanu PF provided urban farmers with Pfumvudza/ Intwasa inputs to ensure no-one is left behind in the developmen­t being championed by President Mnangagwa. Following the allocation of the farming inputs, many urban families were now food secure, said Cde Hungwe.

“President Mnangagwa makes it a point that every Zimbabwean should have access to Pfumvudza inputs as he leads us towards Vision 2030, which is achievable through hard work and unity,” she said.

“However, there is a worrying trend in towns with opposition members selling the inputs on the black market to derail the efforts of the President.”

Cde Hungwe urged party members to take advantage of the voter registrati­on to ensure they register so that the party can win in this year’s by-elections and next year’s harmonised elections.

Zanu PF Deputy Secretary for Health and Child Care Cde Douglas Mombeshora challenged all candidates that contested in the primary elections to put their difference­s aside and work for the party.

Provincial chairman Cde Mary Mliswa-Chikoka, who thanked President Mnangagwa for improving the lives of the people, said the launch of the by-elections campaign signalled how everyone was supposed to have a hands-on-deck approach for the party to romp to victory.

She said the party would work harder to win all the 17 wards in the province.

Cde Ruth Chikukwa, who lost in primary elections for Ward 2, pledged her support to the party’s candidate, Cde Stewart Yassin.

Former Chinhoyi mayor, Cde Test Michaels, who is contesting in Ward 14, said he was ready for the election.

Meanwhile in Mashonalan­d East, provincial chairman for the Veterans of the Liberation Struggle Cde Erick Samunda, said Zimbabwean­s should always know that Zanu PF was the only party that could deliver developmen­t.

He made the remarks while addressing thousands of Zanu PF supporters during the Murehwa district by-elections campaign launch held at Murehwa Centre last Friday.

Cde Nyasha Masoka is the Zanu PF candidate for Murehwa South constituen­cy in the National Assembly which became vacant following the death of Cde Joel Biggie Matiza last year.

“Zimbabwean­s should know that Zanu PF is the only answer,” said Cde Samunda. “People should always remember that Zanu PF is the only party which took up arms to fight against the oppressive white minority rule, to fight the few individual­s who were enjoying the wealth from our motherland.

“It is the only political party and Government in Africa which brought about political as well as economic independen­ce, the only party which took land from the minority 4 000 farmers and distribute­d it to hundreds of thousands of families. Land is the economy and economy is the land; it is as simple as that.

“In other countries, black people are not yet allowed to own even mines, but here in Zimbabwe, there are a lot of people who own them. The Government has allowed that as long as it is done through the proper and correct channels.”

Cde Samunda castigated opposition parties for begging Western countries to impose economic sanctions on Zimbabwe. The sanctions were preventing the Government from transformi­ng the economy with the desired speed.

“The opposition has never achieved anything except forming MDC, asking for sanctions and several splits within their party,” said Cde Samunda. “I can talk about Zanu PF successes from 6am to 6pm without repeating.” The launch was attended by the Zanu PF Mashonalan­d East Provincial executive.

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