The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Govts chides Kamambo over his call for FIFA ban

- Eddie Chikamhi Senior Sports Reporter

THE excesses of the suspended ZIFA board, led by Felton Kamambo, are not going unchecked as yesterday the beleaguere­d football administra­tors got a chiding from a senior government official after calling for a ban on Zimbabwean football. FIFA

Kamambo and his colleagues Phillemon Machana and Bryton Malandule have been acting in defiance of authority ever since the suspension of their blundering ZIFA board by the Sports Commission under the Act last year. SRC

The Grain Marketing Board executive, who is also facing bribery allegation­s at the courts, invited to sanction ZimbaFIFA bwe after he was barred from travelling to Cameroon on Friday to attend the closing activities at Africa Cup of Nations finals.

Whilst the government has hitherto stayed away from the nauseating football politics, the permanent secretary in the Ministry of Informatio­n, Publicity and Broadcasti­ng Services Nick Mangwana yesterday could not let the desperate petitions by Kamambo go unchecked, while posting on Twitter.

“Good Morning Beloveds; I have never understood people that invite Sanctions which affect everybody so that they can get their way. How selfish can one get? Sanctions are a blunt instrument which affect those not involved in your squabbles,” said Mangwana on his Twitter page.

The tweet drew mixed responses. Kamambo was slammed as a selfish individual, for trying to hold the game to ransom in pursuance of selfish interests.

“Why advocate for something that will have detrimenta­l impact on the greater number, it puzzles me as well, very selfish,” said Tendai Chipfeko.

“Haaah pakaipa uyu anyadzisa uyu. If I was near I would tell (him) Zimbabwe is for everyone.

“Why is he embarrassi­ng us like this,” concurred another Twitter user by the name Chifamba. TN

“Kamambo disappoint­ed everyone,” added Bla Itso.

“Kamambo and his colleagues should be sued, national interests first then personal interests,” said Richman Makondo.

Kamambo, along with members of his board — Machana, Malandule, Barbra Chikosi, Sugar Chagonda and Farai Jere — were suspended by the Sports and Recreation Commission on November 16 last year.

The pair of Chikosi and Jere later had their suspension­s lifted to permit them to execute their mandate as Women’s Soccer League and Premier Soccer League chairperso­ns, respective­ly.

Whereas Chagonda insisted he would respect and abide by the SRC resolution, the trio of Kamambo, Malandule and Machana have been pulling all the stops to resist the suspension.

In the latest episode to the drama, ZIFA Kamambo had wished to fly to Cameroon as a show of defiance to the suspension handed on him. However, his bid hit a snag when he was stopped at the Robert Gabriel Mugabe Internatio­nal Airport.

Kamambo then instructed the equally suspended chief executive officer ZIFA Joseph Mamutse to write to pleading FIFA with the world soccer governing body to ban Zimbabwe over challenges his board has been facing.

last year threatened to suspend FIFA Zimbabwe from internatio­nal football, including expulsion from the 2021 AFCON tournament, if the Sports Commission did not reinstate the board by January 3. ZIFA

The Friday letter by Kamambo, was addressed to secretary-general Fatma FIFA Samoura and was copied to and memCAF bers of the suspended board. ZIFA

“We wish to inform you that our FA president Mr Felton Kamambo was today barred from travelling to Cameroon for a football event he had been officially invited to attend,” Mamutse wrote to FIFA.

“We are informed that this was at the insistence of the and a continuati­on SRC of their interferen­ce in our football. While the letter has yet not come, our footFIFA ball continues to suffer at the hands of the

and we again continue to ask for SRC FIFA interventi­on.

“The situation in Zimbabwe is such that football is now being run by the government and this latest act is again proof that the interferen­ce continues even long after the expiry of the deadline given by FIFA to the SRC.”

The Sports Commission, nonetheles­s, denied accusation­s they were behind Kamambo’s failure to travel to Yaoundé.

The suspended board yesterday sought to retract the damage they have caused when they released a lengthy statement accusing our sister paper, The Sunday Mail, of “misreprese­nting” facts. Interestin­gly, another weekly newspaper carried a similar story and with almost the same contents.

Although the Sports Commission does not have authority over people’s movements, the suspended board yesterday maintained that the sports regulator was responsibl­e for Kamambo’s woes.

“It is a fact that the SRC is now running our football and caused the illegal restrictio­n of our president’s constituti­onal enshrined rights and freedom to movement.

“By blocking him from traveling at the instigatio­n of the SRC such was a new low and serious level of desperatio­n on the part of the SRC which is now behaving as they are above the law,” said the statement from the suspended board. ZIFA

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