The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Over to you party animals but. . .


COLLEGE is a weird and wonderful time where you will make memories to treasure ( and maybe regret) for life.

It’s such a full- on experience that college kids have become their own special breed of uni-student.

It can be hard to understand why college students do some of the things they do, but they are certainly unique.

As a norm, it’s not always easy to say goodbye to people whom you have been together with for four years or more.

But for someone like me, it would be disingenuo­us not to include my take on college parties.

College parties can have a very dark side with real consequenc­es; drug abuse, sexual assaults, arrests, blacking out, unwanted pregnancie­s, driving under the influence, death, the date rape drug, and too many dire consequenc­es to list.

In this vain, the last day at college always brings emotions and sad memories. To cover for so many students, engage in different activities during the after the parties.

After parties are okay but what happens after midnight is nothing more than regrets.

The world has ears, eyes and nothing is hidden on this earth. Most of the activities are documented on the internet and it’s difficult to erase such.

Did you know potential employers do deep forensic dives into your social media accounts? It doesn’t matter if you deleted your Facebook, Instagram, Snap Chat, or TikTok accounts.

Those not- so- f l attering images will still be out there; trust me. So, is college partying that involves drugs or alcohol worth the risk? My answer is a big “hell no!”

Over to you party monsters, be wary of the circumstan­ces after partying, protect your reputation, the global village has destroyed many characters.

Make sure you are safe from the bad consequenc­es.

College is often depicted as a time when students stretch their boundaries, form new social groups, and enjoy their new-found freedom as adults. This often means attending parties, especially if you plan on participat­ing in such.

But these depictions of carefree nights out on the town often come with risks involved with partying in college. If you are not careful, you can put your physical and mental health in danger when you go out on these nights out.

We all know many students party, but college students are the wildest party animals on campus.

There are so many things you will experience in college. I always say college is like riding a roller coaster, there are happy and fun moments, but there are also sad and stressful moments. Either way, one thing you will surely experience are college parties.

College is usually when people really unleash their inner party animal for the first time.

For many of us, it’s also the time we go full-force into the party scene and become true party monsters.

Over to you party monsters but just know, it’s partying with nothing much to regret from it.

During parties many students ended up attempting bad behaviour, promiscuit­y, unwanted pregnancie­s as we bid farewell for probably four years of togetherne­ss.

We cannot run away from that.

Where I come from, Mucha, Bernard and Mike take the trophy.

I don’t know where you come from but I have named my best list.

Last day of college will be fi lled with emotions, memories. Most students are currently going through exams which begin the previous week while some begin next week.

I know everyone is nervous about exams and emotional. It’s all about mixed feelings.

When we entered college, the feeling was very different for all of us. Today we realise the importance of college.

We all went to our exam halls. Exams started, after the completion of the exam we started creating the memories of this last day by filling slam books and writing on shirts, best wishes for each other.

But the wildest things that happen at the last moments of college are parties.

But there is nothing good that comes after midnight.

Some would say, even Jesus had a last supper, that’s okay but know when to end and how to end.

Today we all realise the importance of college and realise how precious is this college and those days which we spent in college together.

All started by clicking group photos, more memories but some of the memories are a danger to ourselves.

Party but let nothing come out of the last moments which might ruin your lives.

Many students have ruined their lives after parties. This is the moment where most of us regret.

As it stands, the preparatio­ns for the after party are at advanced stages, beers, whiskey and everything have already been packed.

A lot of students say that our college years will be the best years of our lives, and while I can’t tell if they are right or wrong, since I am just a sophomore, I will just say that college is an amazing experience.

You are not an adult with a lot of responsibi­lities yet, but you are more independen­t than a high school kid.

Graduating from college marks the end of an era and the arrival of new beginnings.

Although it’s an exciting rite of passage, the transition to middle school is often accompanie­d by anxiety about what lies ahead. Looking for a way to ease fears and celebrate accomplish­ments?

Everything that happens at parties ends up on social media.

To be safe, remain loyal to good character.

Yes, that happens. I have had university police interrupt some students asking if anyone knows the whereabout­s of a particular student, only to find they had died drunk and alone days later.

All the best in your exams, fellow students but thereafter party well.

May the best be the best!

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 ?? ?? When partying, students should remain loyal to good character
When partying, students should remain loyal to good character

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