The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Zanu PF hails Russia’s political support

- Ivan Zhakata

ZANU PF has hailed the political support the country has been given by their Russia both pre and post-independen­ce saying this has further strengthen­ed the bilateral relations between the two countries.

Speaking at a stakeholde­rs meeting with a visiting Russian delegation that arrived in Zimbabwe on Wednesday to explore business opportunit­ies in the country, Zanu PF spokespers­on Cde Christophe­r Mutsvangwa said the ruling party will always open its doors to Russia.

“We are a country which fought for its independen­ce and one of the supporters during that time was the Russian Federation,” he said.

“Without your support it would not have been possible for the Southern African region to be free states, so they pay particular respect to the historical militancy of the Russian people in support of the national liberation movement in Southern Africa.

“We know that in 1917 you were the first European country to give guns outside of Europe. You helped us get out freedom that was a very important decision”.

Cde Mutsvangwa also said Zanu PF is grateful for Russia’s support at the United Nations.

“Our party, Zanu PF is particular­ly grateful that at the United Nations where we were subjected to attacks, Russia stood with us and vetoed against the resolution­s by the Western countries against Zimbabwe,” he said.

“We salute your president, President Putin and we stand always by the Russian people because you have been always free and loving to the whole of the humankind.

“We have the most structured and organised people on the African continent because we fought a war against the most feared imperial power and won. We are very politicall­y stable and we have spent 20 years being attacked by the west but we are solid and have confidence in our political settings.”

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