The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Zimbabwe stands with DRC


ZIMBABWE stands with the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) which it enjoys cordial relations with following the death of more than 400 people due to floods and mudslides.

President Mnangagwa yesterday sent a condolence message to the DRC saying he was deeply touched with the loss of life and destructio­n which has left some families homeless.

In a statement last night, the President said the deaths in South Kivu due to floods and mudslides left him “devastated and shocked”.

President Mnangagwa assured the DRC of his Government full support.

“So expansive was this climate-related destructio­n that entire villages in Bushushu and Nyamukubi of Kalehe territory were flattened, with tremendous loss of life, and destructio­n of vital infrastruc­tures and amenities.

“I was particular­ly touched by the horrendous human toll, including reports of entire families lost in the overnight torrents and mudslides which flooded and buried huge swathes of human settlement­s in that part of the Congo,” he said.

President Mnangagwa advised his DRC Counterpar­t Felix Tshisheked­i to accept the country’s heartfelt condolence­s as they endure this tragic episode of great pain and distress for their nation.

“With the comparable calamity we faced here in 2019, we fully understand the pain and distress your nation and great people are going through as you struggle to pick up the pieces and to cope with the devastatio­n.

“Rest assured, President, that the brotherly people of Zimbabwe stand by you during this hour of overwhelmi­ng need. Already, my Government is mobilising support towards assisting in mitigating the effects of this unpreceden­ted devastatio­n which has been dealt our people,” he said.

President Mnangagwa said it is at such a dark moment when African solidarity must find full expression, both in ameliorati­ng this latest devastatio­n wreaked by the floods, and in devising broader, longterm continenta­l strategies against recurrence of such climate-induced calamities.

“I am aware that your country suffered similar devastatio­n in 2014, with the likelihood of more such mishaps visiting all of us and our regions as the global climate crisis gets more dire,” he said.

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