The Herald (Zimbabwe)

ZANU PF genuine custodian of the nationalis­t project in Sadc

- Ranga Mataire Group Political Editor

NOW that the elections are over and President Mnangagwa has set up a Cabinet team to steer the country forward, it is an opportune time to refl ect on why despite an orchestrat­ed onslaught to dislodge ZANU PF from power, the revolution­ary party has remained a dominant player on the country’s political landscape.

In Southern Africa, ZANU PF prides itself as one of the political parties that have remained true to the dictates of its founding principles in deed and character.

It is the indefatiga­ble revolution­ary spirit within ZANU PF that was under attack from forces that sought to weaken its standing as the guardian angel of liberation ethos in the region.

It was also not a coincidenc­e that ANC of South Africa and SWAPO of Namibia unequivoca­lly had to lend their support to ZANU PF.

Founded on an ideologica­l thrust of socialist ideals, the party has over the years evolved to become a formidable force that has managed to withstand machinatio­ns meant to undermine its hold on power by delivering on most liberation promises.

Against all odds, ZANU PF is arguably the only former liberation party in the region that has managed to fundamenta­lly empower its citizens by embarking on a land reform programme that resulted in the transfer of the means of production from a minority whites to majority blacks.

But this fundamenta­l exercise has come at a huge cost to its survival as a ruling party as Western nations opposed to this historical righting exercise imposed economic sanctions meant to weaken the revolution­ary party.

From directly funding opposition political parties to contemplat­ing an invasion of the country, some Western nations have tried but failed to dislodge ZANU PF from power.

Recent attempts to instigate doubts in a national institutio­n by sponsoring individual­s leading SADC organs observing elections have also come to naught given ZANU PF strong linkage with most countries in the region that appreciate the challenges obtaining in Zimbabwe.

More than just a mass party, ZANU PF’s strength lies in being a party driven by a strong sense of nationalis­m.

It is a party founded on nationalis­m rooted in the liberation legacy that brought national independen­ce.

It is for that reason that it is the only governing party in the region and beyond that dared to correct a historical land ownership iniquity.

A better understand­ing of Zimbabwe’s land reform exercise needs to be located within a discourse of genuine redress for colonial injustice, a narrative that has resonated on the African continent and within the global south.

Zimbabwe’s message to the world has been anchored around the need for renewed liberation struggle solidarity.

This rings well within the Southern Africa region, which remains dominated by former liberation movements whose ideologica­l thrust is still profoundly anti-colonial and anti-imperialis­t.

There is no doubt that since its independen­ce, Zimbabwe has emerged as one of the principle forces in Africa’s internatio­nal relations.

Harare emerged as a diplomatic centre of repute with many internatio­nal and regional binding declaratio­ns being cemented there.

The country has also served in major leadership positions, both at the United Nations, where only two years after gaining independen­ce, it was unanimousl­y elected into the United Nations’ Security Council and also elected to chair the Non-Aligned Movement in 1986.

As a then member of the Commonweal­th, Zimbabwe actively participat­ed in the decolonisa­tion of Namibia and campaigned vigorously for the isolation of the apartheid regime in South Africa.

In other words, Zimbabwe was not content in it just being independen­t and yet surrounded by countries still under colonial bondage.

Unlike other newly independen­t states in Africa, the ZANU PF led Government brought with it a long heritage legacy in internatio­nal affairs.

It made its mark on the internatio­nal relations scene as a liberation movement that grew out of its pursuit of a protracted mass-based, and internatio­nally supported armed struggle for independen­ce.

In understand­ing the ZANU PF led Government’s leadership influence in the region, one needs to have an appreciati­on of the internatio­nal activities of ZANLA and ZIPRA through their nationalis­t leaders, prior to independen­ce.

Both military movements, which came from ZANU and ZAPU has solid representa­tives in North America, Europe, the Caribbean and Asia (China and Russia).

These networks were to prove very crucial in the post- independen­ce era with those of China and Russia surviving all manner of challenges.

It is thus not surprising to note ruling parties like the ANC of South Africa fi nds strong affi nity with ZANU PF because both have shared historical and political experience­s.

The relationsh­ip between South Africa and Zimbabwe and their quest to safeguard the nationalis­t liberation project needs a fair historical context.

Both countries have a past characteri­sed by racism and domination of the majority by minority regimes. Both the ANC and ZANU PF had to resort to armed struggle to free their people.

While Africa was generally subjected to colonialis­m, the situation was slightly different in Zimbabwe and South Africa in that their struggle was focused chiefly at local white settler minority regimes rather than colonial powers themselves.

However, the two countries’ struggles were still waged within the context of anti-colonialis­m and anti-imperialis­m, as the white settler minority regimes were nothing more than political surrogates of their Western masters.

White minority regimes in South Africa and Zimbabwe were keen on keeping their hold on power for eternity on a mandate from their colonial masters, while black nationalis­ts wanted to wrest political from them.

White minority regimes in Zimbabwe and South Africa were keen on keeping their hold on political power to preserve economic power and ensure the perpetuati­on of its privileged status.

For the black nationalis­ts, political power was essential to serve the interests of the black majority.

The attainment of political power by the black majority would make it possible to transform oppressive institutio­ns that had been handmade to serve the interest of a white minority into democratic organs of power that would enable the empowermen­t of the blacks.

ZANU PF has not changed from its set goals of transformi­ng repressive institutio­ns of power into productive institutio­ns that transform the lives of the people.

Despite facing a myriad of challenges, political power for ZANU PF meant fostering socio- economic developmen­t, which in turn safeguarde­d social justice for the masses. The empowermen­t thrust goes beyond the right to vote as it encompasse­s political freedom for the individual.

It was ZANU PF that fought and attained universal suffrage and brought freedom for citizens to take the initiative in matters cogent their wellbeing.

Through land redistribu­tion and several other economic initiative­s, the ZANU PF Government cannot be faulted on its thrust of economic empowermen­t meant to even the playing field and create equal opportunit­ies for all.

It is this economic thrust that is to be the guiding principle of President Mnangagwa’s Cabinet.

It is a herculean task for any political party in Zimbabwe to dislodge such a behemoth of a revolution­ary whose influence in terms of thought leadership have made an indelible impact in the SADC region and beyond.

 ?? ?? Zanu PF remains the torch-bearer of revolution­ary values in Southern Africa
Zanu PF remains the torch-bearer of revolution­ary values in Southern Africa
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