The Herald (Zimbabwe)

In tackling climate change, US should have some skin in the game


Whether a person or a country can win the respect of others depends not only on what has been said, but more on what has been done. It is a simple truth that actions speak louder than words.

The United States, which intends to re-establish its leadership on climate, has failed to make the contributi­ons commensura­te with its role as the largest economy and No 1 historical polluter.

Instead, United States spin doctors have prescribed bitter remedies for other countries while refusing a taste of their own medicine.

Recently, US climate envoy John Kerry called for China and other “large economies” to contribute to a loss and damage fund for climate-hit countries, which Kerry himself described as a humanitari­an donation.

Yet about two months ago, the former secretary of state told a Congress hearing that the US will, “under no circumstan­ces, pay climate reparation­s to developing countries hit by climate-driven disasters,” which is its clear historical responsibi­lity.

This skinflint needs to overcome its selective amnesia and put some skin in the game.

As the largest emitter among developed countries, the US has set a bad example in dealing with climate issues by signing but not ratifying many multilater­al environmen­tal treaties, and refusing to meet climate financing and green technology transfer commitment­s.

Such irresponsi­ble attitudes and inaction are bound to arouse discontent and protests from developing nations of the Global South.

In his speech at last week’s G20 Summit in India, Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva urged those who historical­ly contribute­d the most to global warming to bear the greatest costs of combating it.

Coincident­ally, just ahead of the first Africa Climate Summit earlier this month, UN resident coordinato­r in Kenya Stephen Jackson called for the developed world to deliver on promises to reduce their own emissions and provide financing for dealing with the impact of climate change.

According to a study published in Nature Sustainabi­lity in June, Global North countries hold “overwhelmi­ng responsibi­lity” for climate breakdown and could be liable to pay 170 trillion US dollars in compensati­on by 2050 to ensure climate targets are met, with the United States holding the single largest climate debt of around 80 trillion dollars.

However, the developed world has remained largely passive in providing financial and technical support to developing countries, even failing to make good on the 100-billion- dollar-a-year promise of climate finance committed in the Copenhagen Accords.

China holds a consistent position on climate issues. All parties should shoulder their common but differenti­ated responsibi­lities.

Developed countries should take the lead in reducing emissions and fulfil their financial commitment­s as soon as possible while developing countries should make contributi­ons within their means.

The world’s largest developing country pledges to peak carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060.

As a latecomer to industrial­isation, China faces multiple challenges and huge costs to achieve this goal, but China has steadfastl­y followed through on its commitment, and to many observers, it is now a key force driving the global clean energy transition.

Having wantonly burned through the world’s carbon budget, the US should stop using climate issues to smear and pressure China, which has spent the past decades fulfilling its population’s basic needs.

The UN has warned of the arrival of an era of “global boiling” as the planet has its first real taste of life at 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial times this summer. It’s time that the “America first” mindset in climate talks should be abandoned, as should the stance that “the American way of life is not up for negotiatio­n,” as declared by George Bush Senior at the first Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992.

Fine words butter no parsnips. The upcoming Dubai COP28 in late November may offer a chance for the U.S. to put forward real actions in the face of this challenge that will determine the very survival of humanity.

After all, with the great spectre of climate change bearing down upon us, we have neither a new planet nor a plan B. — Xinhua

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