The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Huge send off for national hero Malinga ahead of burial today

- Ivan Zhakata Herald Correspond­ent

THE body of national hero and ZANU PF Politburo member, Cde Joshua Teke Malinga, who succumbed to prostate cancer last Friday aged 79, was flown from Bulawayo to Harare yesterday ahead of burial at the National Heroes Acre today.

The body arrived at Manyame Airbase and was taken to the Zimbabwe Defence Forces’ funeral palour at Charles Gumbo Barracks where it lay in state before interment this morning.

Earlier in Bulawayo before the body was transferre­d to the capital, thousands of people paid tribute to Cde Malinga at his funeral service held at the city’s Amphitheat­re.

The former Mayor of Bulawayo was feted for his tireless efforts to improve the welfare of people living with disabiliti­es whose life work also revolved around the empowermen­t of all people.

At the time of his death, Cde Malinga was a Special Advisor to the President on Disability Issues.

In her remarks during the service, Bulawayo Minister for Provincial Affairs and Devolution Cde Judith Ncube said Cde Malinga opened the floodgates for people with disabiliti­es to be recognised as contributo­rs to the national economy, instead of being beggars who live on handouts.

“It is a dark day for the city of Bulawayo following the death of a nationalis­t stalwart who fought for the rights of the minority. The honour given to Cde Malinga is befitting considerin­g the role he played in uplifting previously marginalis­ed citizens,” said Minister Ncube.

The minister said Cde Malinga was a principled man and a champion for special interest groups.

“He was instrument­al in setting up the Disability Act of 1992. He lived a purpose-filled life and I challenge everyone to live a purpose-filled life,” she said.

The Disability Act prohibits discrimina­tion against people with disabiliti­es in employment, education, publicly available premises, provision of goods and services, accommodat­ion, clubs and associatio­ns, and other contexts.

“We should uplift each other and this is what Cde Malinga lived to do. As a province, we are saddened by the death of Cde Malinga. We acknowledg­e the works that Cde Malinga did to develop this country. We should remain united as President Mnangagwa has reiterated to us. He was a peacemaker and unifier. I want to express my heartfelt condolence­s to the Malinga family and I want to assure you that we are in this together,” said Minister Ncube.

She expressed gratitude to President Mnangagwa for establishi­ng an office for those living with disabiliti­es.

Speaking in Harare on behalf of the Permanent Secretary for Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage Major General (Rtd) Gerald Gwinji, Director of Finance and Administra­tion, Mr Eaxvier Chisoko, said all was in place for the burial.

“Tomorrow morning we will come and pick up the body for burial at the National Heroes Acre and we expect everyone to be seated by 8am. The programme will go as prescribed by the Government,” he said.

Cde Malinga died last Friday at the Malinga family home in Richmond, Bulawayo.

He was born on April 20, 1944, in Filabusi. Cde Malinga was born able-bodied and was attacked by polio at a very young age. He studied at Mpopoma High School from 1962 to 1965.

• Full story on www.herald.

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