The Herald (Zimbabwe)

SADC congratula­tes Zimbabwe on polls

- Mukudzei Chingwere Herald Reporter

THE just-ended SADC Extraordin­ary Summit held in Luanda, Angola, congratula­ted Zimbabwe for hosting free, fair, peaceful and credible elections, Cabinet was briefed yesterday.

The harmonised elections were held in August 2023, and ZANU PF won 136 National Assembly seats compared to CCC’s 73.

President Mnangagwa won the poll by 52,6 percent with his nearest challenger, Mr Nelson Chamisa of CCC getting 44 percent.

Speaking during a post-Cabinet briefing yesterday, Informatio­n, Publicity and Broadcasti­ng Services Minister, Dr Jenfan Muswere, said authoritie­s doubled efforts to foster peace, before, during and after the elections.

This is despite repeated calls for violence by Mr Chamisa, if he was not declared winner, even without the requisite number of votes.

Yesterday, Cabinet received and considered the report on the SADC Extraordin­ary Summit, presented by Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs and Internatio­nal Trade, Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri.

“The Summit considered the report of the Extraordin­ary Meetings of Council of Ministers and Organ Troika Summit, held on 26 and 28 September 2023, regarding the deployment of the SADC Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo and its indicative budget,” said Dr Muswere.

“The Summit resolved that the SADC Force Interventi­on Brigade will be the nucleus of SADC’s interventi­on in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

“The Summit congratula­ted Zimbabwe for hosting free, fair, peaceful and credible elections held in August 2023.”

Meanwhile, Cabinet also considered and approved the request for Zimbabwe to host the United Nations Framework on Climate Change Regional Workshop in 2024.

Dr Muswere said Zimbabwe will host a three-day Consultati­ve Group of Experts (CGE) Africa Regional Workshop in Victoria Falls next 2024.

“The Consultati­ve Group of Experts (CGE) is a constitute­d body under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Paris Agreement.

“Its mandate is to provide technical advice and support to developing country parties in fulfilling their reporting requiremen­ts on adaptation, mitigation and support needed for climate action.

“Zimbabwe’s hosting of the event will benefit the country through having more experts participat­ing, earning more foreign currency, and presenting an opportunit­y to market the country as a safe travel and tourism destinatio­n.

“The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Secretaria­t will cover all the costs associated with hosting the workshop.”

Cabinet also considered and approved Zimbabwe’s hosting of the 56th Session of the United Nations Economic Commission for African (UNECA) Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Developmen­t.

Dr Muswere said at 55th Session of the UNECA Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Developmen­t held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from March 15 to 21, Zimbabwe was confirmed as host of the 56th Session (COM24), during the period February 28 to March 5 next year.

The conference will be held under the theme, “Bolstering financing mechanisms and policy frameworks for the transition to prosperous, just and inclusive green economies in Africa”.

Said Dr Muswere:

“The event is expected to be attended by about 1 000 people from the continent and beyond comprising Government officials, civil society, the UN family, experts, among others.

“The conference, therefore, presents an opportunit­y for Zimbabwe to enhance its global image and to market the Victoria Falls as a tourist destinatio­n of choice.”

Dr Muswere said the event will consist of two meetings, that is the Committee of Experts for technical deliberati­ons on the theme and statutory issues of the conference during the first three days and the Conference of Ministers for the last two days.

He said the UNECA will be working with the Government in spearheadi­ng the organisati­on of the conference.

 ?? ?? Dr Muswere
Dr Muswere

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