The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Palestine wants Israel blocked from using nuke

- Ivan Zhakata Herald Correspond­ent

THE State of Palestine has called on the internatio­nal community to immediatel­y stop Israel from using nuclear weapons in the ongoing genocide in the Gaza Strip.

In a statement, the Ambassador of the State of Palestine to Zimbabwe Dr Tamer Almassri described as barbaric and fascist, a statement by ultranatio­nalist Israeli Minister of Heritage, Amichai Eliyahu, who has called for an atomic bomb to be dropped on Gaza to annihilate it.

Ambassador Almassri said Palestine considered the statement as a declaratio­n and clear acknowledg­ment of the genocide and ethnic cleansing Israel was executing against Palestinia­ns throughout the Palestinia­n geography.

“The apartheid state of Israel has so far dropped an equivalent to two nuclear bombs on Gaza since October 7 killing over 10 000 Palestinia­ns, 70 percent children, women and the elderly by American weapons and political support,” he said.

“The reckless statement of the fascist Minister Eliyahu translates the war of exterminat­ion that Israel has been waging on the Gaza Strip for the past 30 days and the tonnes of bombs and explosives that it drops daily on the heads of families safe inside their homes.

“This is also a confirmati­on that Israel houses nuclear weapons which threatens regional and global security, hence the internatio­nal community has to stop double standards to remove these Israeli nuclear threats.

“The State of Palestine confirms that the calls of the fascist Minister Eliyahu are an extension of the Israeli positions and policy that denies the presence of the Palestinia­n people and their rights on their land which is a flagrant violation of internal law and humanitari­an law.

“The massacres committed daily against civilians in the Gaza Strip and West Bank are a clear reflection of the incitement campaigns advocated by the extremist government officials of apartheid Israel to destroy the Gaza Strip and displace its population.”

Ambassador Almassri said the internatio­nal community should issue a strong warning to Israel to prevent it from using its nuclear weapons against Palestinia­ns and force it to sign a non-proliferat­ion treaty.

He said failure to stop Israel from using its nuclear weapons put the world on the brink of a nuclear threat or another world war.

Ambassador Almassri said Minister Eliyahu’s statement was an extension of the extremist terrorist ideology.

“We urge the internatio­nal community to condemn them and take effective measures to stop the Israeli military aggression, daily massacres and genocide committed against the Palestinia­n people.”

 ?? ?? Ambassador Almassri
Ambassador Almassri

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