The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Zim students awarded Oxford scholarshi­ps

- Herald Reporter

TWO Zimbabwean students have been selected to further their studies at the University of Oxford in England after being awarded the 2024 Rhodes scholarshi­ps.

Nyasha Mukonowesh­uro (23) and Brendon Mahere (24) were handed the scholarshi­ps in Harare on Friday.

The Rhodes Scholarshi­p is a fully funded postgradua­te award that enables talented young people from around the world to study at the University of Oxford.

Mukonowesh­uro is currently studying at Yale University, where she is majoring in history and Mahere is doing postgradua­te studies in engineerin­g at Al Akhawayn University in Morocco.

Zimbabwe Rhodes Scholarshi­p national secretary Mr Dalumuzi Mhlanga said the University of Oxford provides world-class research and educationa­l facilities.

“The Rhodes Scholarshi­p is one of the most pre-eminent scholarshi­ps to fund postgradua­te studies at the University of Oxford and it’s a scholarshi­p fund that has run for over 120 years,” he said.

“Every year, just over a hundred young people are selected from nearly 60 countries to study at Oxford on the Rhodes Scholarshi­p. In Zimbabwe, we select two students every year; we are very proud and happy to have selected Brendon and

Nyasha this year.”

He also said when selecting beneficiar­ies, they look for well-rounded individual­s.

“The selection criteria focuses on academic excellence, but we look beyond how students perform in the class and think of how they are performing outside of the class,” he added.

“We look for demonstrat­ion of leadership, kindness and caring for others and contributi­on to society and moral force of character as well.”

The Rhodes Scholarshi­p, he said, was open to every Zimbabwean doing undergradu­ate studies.

Mukonowesh­uro said she was excited about the opportunit­y to study at Oxford. Mahere said: “I am overwhelme­d and very grateful to the selection committee. “Oxford is a life-changing experience, it’s something you just dream about.”

 ?? ?? Nyasha Mukonowesh­uro (right) and Brendon Mahere speak last week after being announced as the beneficiar­ies of 2024 Rhodes Scholarshi­p to study at Oxford University in the United Kingdom
Nyasha Mukonowesh­uro (right) and Brendon Mahere speak last week after being announced as the beneficiar­ies of 2024 Rhodes Scholarshi­p to study at Oxford University in the United Kingdom

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