The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Robber killed in shoot-out

- Crime Reporter

A SUSPECTED robber was shot dead while his two accomplice­s were arrested following a shoot-out with police in Harare on Monday.

The robbers were part of a gang that had been terrorisin­g families and business premises countrywid­e. In a statement, national police spokespers­on Assistant Commission­er Paul Nyathi confirmed the arrests.

“The Zimbabwe Republic Police confirms the arrest of armed robbery suspects Brighton Mangondo (35) and Gerald Rutizira (38) after a shoot-out incident in which another suspect, Tanaka Living Nyaude Madzima aged 29, died.

“The incident occurred in Riddleridg­e area, Harare on November 6, 2023.

“The suspects were initially part of an armed robbery gang comprising Tinotenda Zhuwawo Dzvairo (27), Tinashe Ray Chirombo (31), Trymore Derere Guta (30), Hebert Clayton Nyamangodo (39), Mugove Chimuti (deceased) and Ishmael Mutungira (deceased) who were arrested in July 2023,” he said.

On November 6, 2023, detectives from CID Homicide, Harare, arrested Brighton Mangondo after receiving informatio­n that he was hiding at a house in Glen View 3, Harare.

Gerald Rutizira was later arrested after he was lured by Brighton Mangondo to Armsterdam in Southlea Park, Harare.

The arrest led to the recovery of a 12 bore Khan Arms shot gun at Rutizira’s residence in Sothlea Park.

Rutizira led detectives to the Boka area where Tanaka Madzima was allegedly hiding.

Said Asst Comm Nyathi: “Subsequent­ly, a 9mm Star pistol, eight 9mm live rounds and a 0.22 RG 12 Revolver were recovered at Tanaka Madzima’s residence in Frezer area, Ushewekunz­e, Harare.

“Tanaka Madzima tried to run away as detectives were trying to recover a pistol and ammunition in Riddleridg­e area, resulting in an exchange of fire. The suspect died on admission at Parirenyat­wa Group of Hospitals.”

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