The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Social Media Feedback

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Response to “Technology to improve agricultur­e”

Will make work easy for extension workers. — @ Pretty Tapera. *** Farmers will make use of data capturing to make informed choices of when to plant, fighting pests and diseases and variety selection. — @ Noddy Dzapasi. ***

Good that the Ministry is moving with time. — @ Ruth Muradzikwa.

Response to “Pomona waste project system to be replicated countrywid­e”

What a great project, the area has been transforme­d into a magnificen­t project. If this is done countrywid­e, waste management will be managed while at the same time creating employment and beautifyin­g the areas. — @ Betty Phiri.

Response to“Yadah’s first PSL hat-trick”

Response to “I’m ready to serve, says new AG Mabiza” Congratula­tions Madam Mabiza. Representi­ng women from the high level, proud of you. — @ Musa Mathema. ***

Show the world women can deliver better. You are an inspiratio­n sis. Happy for you. — @ Melody Matanga. National squad material well done

boy. — @ Boston Munaka. ***

All the best boys, keep shining. —@

Mabel Vhiriri.

Response to“Councils should budget for waste”

Waste management is crucial as it affects the environmen­t and health. — @ Tadiwa Mudhaka.

Response to “CCC heading towards total breakdown: Tshabangu”

The disadvanta­ge of not having clear structures in place, anyone can make decisions that can cost the party. — @ Lewis Mambo.


CCC has so much to learn from ZANU PF before it contests the ruling party in elections. CCC is way too young and inexperien­ced a party. — @ Thompson Zvavamwe. ***

Response to “Govt tightens screws on importatio­n of agrochemic­als”

So important as this will reduce incidences of people importing chemicals that have been banned. — @ Paul Garwe. SMS/WhatsApp: +2637141111­01

Response to“Tobacco export earnings close to US$1bn” The major forex earner should be handled carefully so that the industry continues to be vibrant. — @ Thelma Murembeni. ***

I hope farmers are also getting value for their sweat. Farmers’lives should be transforme­d. — @ Loreta Mhlanga. ***

Response to“Windfall for tomato farmers as process rise 100 percent”

Good news for tomato producers. Market research is important before growing a crop. — @ John Madiye.

Readers are invited to send comments and feedback through any of the above platforms. Since The Herald is published in English, we would prefer our readers to write in English — Editor.

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