The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Cabinet approves Roadmap to Electricit­y Self-Sufficienc­y

- Isdore Guvamombe

CABINET received and considered the report on the update on the current fertiliser supply, demand and price situation. The nation is advised that the national demand for fertiliser­s is estimated at 400 000 tonnes of basal and 380 000 tonnes of top dressing per annum for both the summer and winter cropping season.

The local fertiliser industry is having challenges and the supply gap is being covered largely by imports. The current fertiliser stocks held by the Zimbabwe Fertiliser Manufactur­ers Associatio­n (ZFMA) and those under the Collateral Management Agreement (CMA) have indicated that they have challenges meeting the surging demand ahead of imminent summer season.

Meanwhile, the Government has approved that farmers import fertiliser­s directly from suppliers outside the country to augment local supplies whilst Government develops a longterm solution to the fertiliser challenges.


Cabinet considered the report on the Cement Industry Market Supply and Demand situation as presented by the Minister of Industry and Commerce, Honourable Dr. Sithembiso Nyoni.

The nation is advised that following reports of artificial cement shortage in the market and the spiralling prices Cabinet has approved the importatio­n of cement by individual­s and companies with free funds.


Cabinet considered and approved the Roadmap to Electricit­y Self-Sufficienc­y as presented by the Minister of Energy and Power Developmen­t, Honourable Edgar Moyo.

Cabinet wishes to inform the nation that the current local generation capacity is 1 280 megawatts (MW) against the current average local demand of about 1 850MW, leaving a deficit of about 400MW. To cover the deficit, the country is currently importing power in the range of 200-500MW.

Regarding measures to resolve the operationa­l challenges, the Government will restructur­e the power utility company (ZESA); decommissi­on and repurpose the small thermal power stations; contain technical and non-technical losses and implement various power saving initiative­s. In the medium to long term, the Government will embrace Private Sector led Coal Mining Initiative­s and new technologi­es such as green hydrogen, floating solar panels; battery energy storage systems and funding some of the renewable energy projects dotted around the country in order to increase domestic generation of electricit­y.


Cabinet received reports on progress made in the implementa­tion of priority projects for the 3rd 100-Day Cycle of 2023, as presented by the Ministers of Health and Child Care; Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage; Local Government and Public Works; and Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare.

The Minister of Health and Child Care, Honourable Dr. Douglas Mombeshora reported on progress recorded for projects under his purview as follows:

i. drilling and installati­on of solar powered boreholes has been completed at 10 health facilities in the Manicaland Province;

ii. constructi­on of the Bhale Health post in Hwange District has reached 70 percent of completion;

iii. constructi­on of Mutare Natpharm warehouse is 98 percent complete;

iv. installati­on of medical gas reticulati­on at Banket, Chivhu and Victoria Falls hospitals is at 98 percent, 97 percent and 80 percent of completion, respective­ly; and

v. Constructi­on of Runyararo Clinic (Chimaniman­i District) is 85 percent complete, while Mataga Clinic (Mberengwa District) is 100 percent complete.

The Minister of Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage Honourable Kazembe Kazembe reported progress on projects under his purview as follows:

i. preliminar­y engagement­s were done with stakeholde­rs for the establishm­ent of Community Archives in the former Mashonalan­d Central Protected Villages;

ii. the Harava waiting Mothers’ shelter in Zaka District, Masvingo province is 96 percent complete;

iii. constructi­on of the ZRP Dotito station, Mount Darwin District, Mashonalan­d Central Province has reached 95 percent of completion; and

iv. decentrali­sation of E-passport services to Mwenezi District, Masvingo Province has commenced, with materials now on site.

The Acting Minister of Local Government and Public Works Honourable July Moyo reported on progress recorded for projects under the Ministry’s purview as follows:

i. electrical reticulati­on at the Lupane Composite Offices is at 10 percent of completion;

ii. constructi­on of the perimeter wall at Mutare DDC is 77 percent complete;

iii. constructi­on of roads in Mashonalan­d Central, Manicaland, Masvingo, and Mashonalan­d East Provinces under the Emergency Road Rehabilita­tion Programme 2 (ERRP2) through Devolution funds are at different stages of completion;

iv. constructi­on of staff houses at Gutu Secondary School is at 70 percent of completion, the science laboratory at Chitimbe High School is 98 percent complete, a classroom block at Musiya Primary School is 65 percent complete, a classroom block at Nyamanzou Primary School is 50 percent complete, while a classroom block at Rujeko School is 98 percent complete;

v. projects to enhance access to water and sanitation at Asiphakame­ni Secondary School, Lupane (Matabelela­nd North), Phakama Primary School, Silozwi Clinic, and Ndabankulu Maribehe Primary School (Matabelela­nd South) are over 80 percent complete; and

vi. constructi­on of Mashala and Mkhombo Clinics in Matabelela­nd North are at 80 percent and 45 percent of completion, respective­ly.

The Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare Honourable July Moyo reported progress on projects under his purview as follows:

i. a total of 9 066 children were reached through awareness raising skills, while 110 social service providers were trained to offer online counseling and support victims of online violence against children;

ii. constructi­on of a cottage and a hut, under the Project Dzimba and Portable Water, for Mr. Moses Nyakabau of Mutoko, a grossly disabled pensioner has been completed;

iii. authority to train 162 Arbitrator­s on the New Provisions of the Labour Amendment Act, No. 11 of 2023 has been granted; and

iv. 100 White Canes were procured for 100 blind persons in Chikomba District Mashonalan­d East Province.


Cabinet considered and approved Zimbabwe’s Hosting of the 56th Session of the United Nations Economic Commission for African Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Developmen­t as presented by the Minister of Finance, Economic Developmen­t and Investment Promotion, Honourable Professor Mthuli Ncube.

The nation is informed that at the Fifty-fifth Session of the United Nations Economic Commission for African (UNECA) Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Developmen­t held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from 15 to 21 March 2023, Zimbabwe was confirmed as host of the Fifty-sixth Session (COM24) during the period 28 February to 5 March 2024. The conference will be held under the theme “Bolstering financing mechanisms and policy frameworks for the transition to prosperous, just and inclusive green economies in Africa”.

The event is expected to be attended by about 1 000 people from the continent and beyond comprising of Government officials, civil society, the UN family, experts, among others. The Conference, therefore, presents an opportunit­y for Zimbabwe to enhance its global image and to market the Victoria Falls as a tourist destinatio­n of choice.

The event will consist of two meetings as follows: Committee of Experts for technical deliberati­ons on the theme and statutory issues of the conference during the first three days (28 February to 01 March 2024) and the Conference of Ministers for the last two days(45March 2024). The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa will be working with the Government of Zimbabwe represente­d by the Ministry of Finance, Economic Developmen­t and Investment Promotion in spearheadi­ng the organisati­on of the Conference.


Cabinet considered and approved the request for Zimbabwe to host the United Nations Framework on Climate Change Regional Workshop in 2024 as presented by the Minister of Environmen­t, Climate and Wildlife, Honourable Mangaliso Ndlovu.

The nation is being informed that Zimbabwe will host a three-day Consultati­ve Group of Experts (CGE) Africa Regional Workshop in Victoria Falls in 2024. The Consultati­ve Group of Experts (CGE) is a constitute­d Body under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Paris Agreement. Its mandate is to provide technical advice and support to developing country Parties in fulfilling their reporting requiremen­ts on adaptation, mitigation and support needed for climate action.

Zimbabwe’s hosting of the event will benefit the country through having more experts participat­ing, earning more foreign currency, and presenting an opportunit­y to market the country as a safe travel and tourism destinatio­n. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Secretaria­t will cover all the costs associated with hosting the Workshop.


Cabinet received an update on the cholera outbreak as presented by the Minister of Health and Child Care, Honourable Dr. Douglas Mombeshora.

In response to the cholera challenges, orders for medicines and commoditie­s have been placed through Natpharm, prioritizi­ng local manufactur­ers to minimize on lead time. Treasury has since approved a budget of US$12 million for cholera preparedne­ss and response. Screening of all travellers and awareness campaigns are ongoing at all points of entry, while health education on cholera prevention and control measures including hygiene promotion is being carried out in the provinces. Cabinet has directed as follows: a) that intensifie­d Risk Communicat­ion and Community engagement including involvemen­t of religious and local leadership, intensifie­d school health education on cholera and other diarrhoeal diseases, and utilizatio­n of existing media houses and digital platforms for content disseminat­ion be continued in all provinces especially Chitungwiz­a and Buhera;

b) that there be improved safe water access to communitie­s through rehabilita­tion of boreholes and drilling of new ones; and

c) that public health measures be enforced in all communitie­s reporting cholera cases, including restrictio­ns of gatherings in all choleraaff­ected areas, and supervisio­n of all burials in all cholera affected areas.


Cabinet received and considered the Report on the SADC Extraordin­ary Summit which was held in Luanda, Angola on the 4th of November 2023 as presented by the Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs and Internatio­nal Trade, Honourable O.C.Z. Muchinguri-Kashiri.

The Summit considered the report of the Extraordin­ary Meetings of Council of Ministers and Organ Troika Summit, held on 26 and 28 September 22023, regarding the deployment of the SADC Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo and its indicative budget.

The Summit resolved that the SADC Force Interventi­on Brigade will be the nucleus of SADC’s interventi­on in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The Summit congratula­ted Zimbabwe for hosting free, fair, peaceful and credible elections held in August 2023.

THE United States of America’s unpreceden­ted blind support for Israel even when the Zionist state is committing genocide against the Palestinia­ns, has reached fever pitch with President Joe Biden seeking to use funds seized from Libya to fund Tel Aviv.

Official US Treasury reports say the US is holding on to US$34 billion in its banks it froze from Libyan accounts, just before launching the military offensive that killed Gaddafi. Now it is applying to use the same funds to prop up Israel’s military attack on Palestine.

Libya is one of Africa’s richest countries whose Pan African plinth has been core to strengthen­ing the African Union but is reeling under severe economic stress since the military interventi­on by US and its allies and this has left its people highly impoverish­ed. To take its money and use it to fund Israel is not a good idea by an iota of humanism.

This is a very sad developmen­t that shows US thuggery, injustice, bully tactics and lack of morality.

African leaders are very worried about this move and corridors of power are shaking.

It is common knowledge that current war between Israel and Palestine came at a time when the Russia-Ukraine war had drained US Treasury of trillions of dollars and Washington was already talking of planning to abandon US support to Kyiv.

While the discussion in US Treasury to stop supporting Ukraine was gaining traction, the current Palestine-Israel war broke out and Washington found itself in sixes and sevens, financiall­y.

Now the US has mooted a plan to use part or all of the US$34 billion dollars of Libyan money frozen in its banks to support Israel.

Now that is very cruel and unacceptab­le by any measure of morality.

The African Union (AU) and the Arab League together with other progressiv­e thinking people in the world have redflagged US’s move to us the Libyan money for all the wrong reasons.

The bone of contention by diplomats is that the US should stop engaging in military escapades its Treasury cannot afford.

It is senseless, to steal and unilateral­ly invest another country’s money to support a war it does not believe in. Libyans do not believe in Israel killing Palestinia­ns like flies.

Millions of Libyan people are suffering from disease, hunger, starvation and lamentatio­n and need that money to rebuild their country from the strife caused by the military interventi­on of the US and its allies that killed President Muammar Gaddafi.

To steal Libyan money and invest it in a mad and unnecessar­y war against Palestinia­ns, is not only to be cruel but world class crass.

Of course, we all know that the Libyan people are among the strongest supporters of the state of Palestine sine the Nakba of 1948 but they should not be punished for it.

 ?? ?? Informatio­n, Publicity and Broadcasti­ng Services Minister Dr Jenfan Muswere addresses the media during a post-Cabinet briefing in Harare yesterday
Informatio­n, Publicity and Broadcasti­ng Services Minister Dr Jenfan Muswere addresses the media during a post-Cabinet briefing in Harare yesterday

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