The Herald (Zimbabwe)

Zimfuel facility piques regional interest

. . . as President commission­s US$7.3m plant

- Wallace Ruzvidzo Herald Reporter

PRESIDENT Mnangagwa yesterday commission­ed a US$7,3 million National Oil Company of Zimbabwe (NOIC) ethanol storage and handling facility, that will help save foreign currency, create employment and provide wealth generation opportunit­ies in the biofuel value chain.

The facility, which has piqued the interest of neighbouri­ng South Africa and Botswana, is testimony to the Second Republic inward-looking policy that has seen home-grown solutions responding to the country’s needs.

In the energy sector, this is vital as there is a need to match demand, which has surged in the past five years, with supply.

Thus the facility that the President commission­ed in Harare, is a major boost to Zimbabwe’s infrastruc­ture developmen­t drive and will increase ethanol handling capacity by over 100 percent.

With the plant complete, Zimbabwe’s national storage and handling capacity which previously stood at 5,2 million litres, is now at 11,2 million litres.

Speaking at the commission­ing ceremony in Harare yesterday, President Mnangagwa revealed that because of the country’s infrastruc­ture developmen­t particular­ly in the energy sector, South Africa and Botswana had expressed eagerness for Zimbabwe to facilitate their fuel supply.

“In fact, I must mention that the other day when I was with President

Ramaphosa and President Masisi of Botswana, they were eager that we facilitate the supply of fuel to Botswana through our infrastruc­ture and extend it to Botswana.

“President Ramaphosa feels that if we extend this to Botswana, he would want another pipeline to branch from Gweru to supply northern South Africa,” he said.

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 ?? ?? The President, Vice President Constantin­o Chiwenga (left) and Minister of State for Provincial Affairs and Devolution for Harare Metropolit­an Province Charles Tavengwa (right) listen as NOIC managing director Mr Wilfred Matukeni leads the tour during the commission­ing of NOIC’s ethanol storage and handling facility in Mabvuku, Harare, yesterday
The President, Vice President Constantin­o Chiwenga (left) and Minister of State for Provincial Affairs and Devolution for Harare Metropolit­an Province Charles Tavengwa (right) listen as NOIC managing director Mr Wilfred Matukeni leads the tour during the commission­ing of NOIC’s ethanol storage and handling facility in Mabvuku, Harare, yesterday
 ?? ?? President Mnangagwa addresses guests at the commission­ing of National Oil Infrastruc­ture Company of Zimbabwe’s ethanol storage and handling facility in Mabvuku yesterday. — Pictures: Innocent Makawa
President Mnangagwa addresses guests at the commission­ing of National Oil Infrastruc­ture Company of Zimbabwe’s ethanol storage and handling facility in Mabvuku yesterday. — Pictures: Innocent Makawa

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